5 minutes of free writing: Tuesday - Message: dog in a blanket. "The wrapper"

in Freewriters3 years ago
The first one to see it was the boy, who was so scared and yelled so loudly that it was heard throughout the block: "A ghost, Mom, is rolling around the room." The mother grabbed the boy from her, all distraught, because she could not find a plausible explanation for that shifting wrapping that looked like a small mummy just embalmed, looking for a way to the afterlife to leave. The woman ran desperately to be safe from that monster that began to emit spectral sounds and was searching blindly for something that until that moment no one could understand. She managed to leave the house through the back door, with the child in her arms, and took refuge in the shed where her old junk is kept; but she could not calm down because her little girl continued crying and from the living room came the guttural howls of the mysterious wrapping, accompanied by the incessant pounding of a monumental disorder ...

She suddenly seemed to him that this unknown entity was crying out for help because her roars had turned into a sing-song of prayer that began to pierce her soul. She plucked up her courage, told the boy to wait for her in the shed, not to move from there for the world, then crossed herself, said three Our Fathers and two Hail Marys, and slowly began to approach the house. Peering through a window she looked at him on the floor, next to the overturned coffee table in the middle of the living room; He seemed tired, defeated by the fabric that imprisoned him without letting it act as he pleased, he no longer even had the strength to complain. The mother - taking all possible precautions, since that attitude on the packaging could perfectly be a trap - walked to where he was. Suddenly assaulted by hyperbolic compassion, she began to remove the cloth that was weighing him down, first using only two fingers to avoid touching him fully; then more confidently, she used both hands because it was a tight mass of cloth that did not unravel easily. The moment the mother finally touched rough, hairy and sweaty skin, she felt a terrifying shudder ... but then she laughed when the neighbor's dog joyfully pulled his head out of the blanket where his restless mischief had imprisoned him .


Image from Pixabay

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