
Greetings friend, thanks for reminding me, multiple tasks and a bad internet keep me away from publications.
I am glad to see that you are growing as a "Steemian investor" and that makes me very happy.
Keep participating in the Engagement Challenge, there are 7 weekly contests, one every day, you can participate in all of them.
Continue voting and giving comments to other participants, I know that the internet is not easy for you, but you make an effort and that's fine.
I congratulate you for being club75 I hope you can be club100 you will grow faster. Keep rising like foam and God bless you.

Salam sobat, terima kasih telah mengingatkan saya, banyak tugas dan internet yang buruk membuat saya jauh dari publikasi.
Saya senang melihat Anda tumbuh sebagai "investor Steemian" dan itu membuat saya sangat bahagia.
Tetap berpartisipasi dalam Engagement Challenge, ada 7 kontes mingguan, satu setiap hari, Anda dapat mengikuti semuanya.
Lanjutkan voting dan beri komentar kepada peserta lain, saya tahu bahwa internet tidak mudah bagi Anda, tetapi Anda berusaha dan tidak apa-apa.
Saya mengucapkan selamat kepada Anda untuk menjadi club75 Saya harap Anda bisa menjadi club100 Anda akan tumbuh lebih cepat. Terus naik seperti buih dan Tuhan memberkati Anda.
Salam dari Venezuela.

Thank you so much. I'm trying to keep doing my best. the journey is not easy. but after I did, it turns out that many people support me. you are also the one who helped me in the early stages, i really appreciate you. Even now you still help me.

May you be eased in life. Always healthy, and also happy. Have a nice day

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