Weekend Freewrite -- ALL (Prompts) IN ONE

in Freewriters3 years ago

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Behind those dirty windows, I saw an old man seated in his wheel chair. He was an artisan in his prime. Probably he lost his art to his ailing body. I asked him where he was from. The man said his village was located at the foothills of the Andes in South America. I don't remember clearly which country he uttered, it must have been Argentina or Bolivia.

Apart from that he said once when he took his flock of sheep to graze in the farmlands, a black panther charged upon his sheepdog. Although he luckily escaped to safety but Oscar, his sheepdog lost his life. Since then he's moved to the city to live with his daughter. Now mostly bed ridden, he says his grandson introduced him to social media a few weeks ago but unfortunately his account was hacked and he doesn't know how to recover his account.

Thanks for reading.



Good story. I loved it. Thanks for sharing.

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