I'm Way Too Happy...I Must be 'NUTS'...

in Freewriters4 years ago

With all this current madness going on throughout the world, government leaders telling us to "stay home", closing our businesses, parks beaches and causing a host of other, perhaps undue distress upon the population, little ole 'me' is still, happy.

Don't ask me why, because I'm not quite sure... I suspect my happiness might be the result of having totally gone bonkers.

How I completely lost my mind, remains a mystery to me, but I do remember having sensed the inevitable along the way.

Maybe some of you guys know what I mean?

We come into this world as beautifully new, pure bundles of chubby joy, without a care in the world, then quickly are transformed into a slow growing heap of utter despair!!!

Who's responsible for this maddening trend of human development...??? Who, what, how and why are most of us thrown into a state of constant, controlled panic?

THAT's one of the mysteries of the ages, I think?

Don't you feel, after looking back upon your life, no matter how much peace and happiness you've managed to sneak into your existence, someone, or some thing seemed to creep right through that happiness door upon the same gentle breeze as whatever it was that brought pleasure?

Damn... It's like, we can't have one without the other

It seems to be the Yin-Yang of life. You know...that ancient Zen philosophy which seeks to enlighten us to truth and understanding?

Have you ever attended one of those Buddhist Monk, dharma talks about 'How to be Happy' or 'Laugh in the Face of Adversity' or 'It's not your Fault Things Suck'...?

Well...(hee hee…) maybe not that last title...I snuck that in there to see if you were really reading this and paying attention!

I've been to a few of those inspirational talks by bald headed men in bulky robes. They even shaved off their eyebrows...!!! I'm wondering where else they put the razor to, and why…??? Maybe that's one of the secretes to happiness? We have to get rid of body hair.


The last dharma talk I went to had me all super relaxed, filled with an inspirational mindset and nothing but positive vibes by the time I walked out the door to head home. It was great...

As soon as I got outside, a thunderstorm rolled in and poured rain down upon my humble, raincoat-less soul. Fortunately, those enlightening words of the Holy man remained deeply imbedded within my psyche, sparing me from cursing my water-soaked fate.

By the time I got to my car and found the parking ticket on my windshield, my newly acquired tolerance towards adversary began to slightly wane...

When I noticed that the summons was going to cost me $100. and there wasn't a single sign, indicating parking was prohibited there...I began to friggin fume...NOT a whole lot...just a little.

I mean, there wasn't a huge, dark plume of smoke pouring from out of my flappers...a mere whiff of burning embers ensued...

Driving home continued to be a challenge to my fragile, equilibrium because of all the idiot drivers on the road; speeding, tailgating and darting in and out of traffic like racing car drivers... Flipping me the finger because I chose drive the posted speed lmit.

I began to go a little nuts at that point.

Near my house, I decided to stop into the local convenience store for a jug of bottled water, for coffee in the morning. It was then that I became further perturbed, over the fact I needed bottled water because of evil industry having polluted rivers and streams...

Believe me... By the time I got home, turned the television on to watch the News...all that peacefulness experienced from my attendance at the Temple; VANISHED

I became irate; screamed and cursed...threw things about the house and punched my favorite stuffed teddy-bear in the face...!!!

One might say, that I'd become quite unruly?

While I lay there upon the hard, wooden floor banging my head and fists into it, suddenly...an unexpected calm came over me.

It's hard to explain, but the more I focused on that sudden, silent blanket of comfort that enveloped me...all my hindering, negative emotions began to fade. Anxious feelings of hate, pain, fear, jealousy, envy and useless desires flowed out and away from me like an expanding pool of spilled bourbon on a Bar Room floor...

NOW...I'm so HAPPY... Maybe TOO happy???

I don't know... Maybe I should go visit a head doctor to probe my innards and give me a few anti-happy pills or something?

This isn't normal.

I must be NUTS…?!?!?!?

Ciao, my friends.

Another Free Speech, Free-Write by @AngryMan May 7, 2020

Founder of FreeSpeech Community

An Original Re-Post, First Posted Elsewhere

Images: Compliments of Pixabay.com

It's God's will that we suffer. Sometimes I do see bad things and suffering that ultimately leads to beauty and meaning. However the problem I sometimes wrestle with is when bad things just seem pointless and it really seems like nothing good comes out of them.

I love how you wrote "First Posted Elsewhere".

Thanks @ninjamike for your thoughts. A little suffering here and there, can lead to great achievements, once overcome. 'Great' suffering imposed upon the weak, meek and innocent by way of predatory action of another, for me, is the most difficult to witness or hear about.

I love how you wrote "First Posted Elsewhere".

Lol...Yes...I'm just trying to remain 'transparent' if posting something I want to share, that has been previously published. Especially between similar sites and was well received the first time. 'No' greedy tricks up my sleeve...intended.

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