"Daisy" : A tough, but necessary capture

Every now and then when we are wandering / patrolling the areas we focus on, we will spot an animal with some sort of horrible wound that the probably pretty desperately need to get treated. This is particularly true when the animals have these wounds on their heads, which they are incapable of cleaning on their own and they will almost certainly become infected and infested with parasites.

In the case of "Daisy," she wasn't yet in terrible shape from the open wound on her ear, which she probably got from a fight with another dog but she was not at all interested in coming with us.


Thankfully, most dogs can be persuaded to trust you a bit with the help of some fried chicken, which humans and dogs alike can not seem to resist. Daisy wasn't aggressive, just very skiddish, and like most street dogs, she wasn't very keen on getting into the kennel that we needed to put her in in order to transport her to our facilities.


They will almost always start to pant very heavily just because they are very nervous about being in a captive environment. We keep them in there for as short an amount of time as possible but sometimes we have to keep them in there longer than they would prefer because we don't know how they will react towards the other dogs at our facility.

The wound on her ear was not yet infected, but it certainly was going to become that way quite soon. She was named "Daisy" by a member of the staff pretty soon into her time with us, which actually wont be very long since her woulds are relatively easy to treat.


Our intentions with Daisy are 3-fold: We are going to treat the ear of course, vaccinate her, and also sterilize her. Also, since she is a quite good-looking dog and does in fact have a very kind demeanor once she realizes you have access to fried chicken, she would be a likely candidate for adoption.

I suppose it isn't really nice to think of dogs being likely for adoption because they are "pretty" but that is kind of how the animal rescue operation here, and around the world work.

Special thanks to Hienrich for his dedication and consistency as it was NOT at all easy to coerce Daisy into the kennel - but he got the job done eventually!


For every "Daisy" that we are able to treat, there are probably 10 more just like her hiding out there, suffering as their woulds get continually worse. We always consider it a great victory when we are able to get to them before it reaches that point because it is fare easier to treat in the early stages.

If you would like to see how you can help out, or simply spread the word, please visit our website at



Krabi Animal Welfare is a charity run entirely by volunteers and are a registered non-profit organization in Thailand and the U.K.. We aim to relieve the pain and suffering of dogs and cats within Krabi Province.




Wow, what great work and interesting read. Thanks for the post!

Thanks for that! We do what we can :)

Wow, nice payout, how did you manage that?

i guess some people out there want to support an animal welfare charity.. and we are thankful for it.

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