Pro-Paedophile Policing - Or Just Plain Negligence?

in Tommy Robinson5 years ago (edited)

Tommy received a call from Detective Sergeant Hancock on Wednesday. Pro-Paedophile Policing - Or Just Plain Negligence?

Pro-Paedophile Political Policing

On Wednesday Tommy received a call from Detective Sergeant Simon Hancock. DS Hancock (collar number 157) is a nearly thirty-year Police veteran serving with Bedfordshire Police force; he works in their "serious and complex crime team".

On Sunday Tommy took his children and his wife to Centre Parcs for a fun-filled day of activities and swimming. Unfortunately for Tommy, and more importantly, for his eight-year-old daughter, the day turned out to be a nightmare.

Tommys daughter was playing in the swimming pool at Centre Parcs and a middle-aged man walked towards her, groped her backside, then walked off, not looking at her or speaking to her as he did it. Tommys daughter did the right thing; she went straight to her dad and told him what the man did to her.

Just imagine the thought process of a parent who is told by their eight-year-old child that a middle-aged man just groped her bottom in the swimming pool. Tommy was quick to ask her all the relevant questions to make sure in his mind, whether this was deliberate or accidental.

Tommy's fears had become a reality; he soon found out that the middle-aged man could not have "accidentally" or "mistakenly" squeezed his daughters bum. Tommy confronted the man after his daughter identified him. At this point alone, many fathers would just storm right over to the man and get physical. A fathers duty is to protect his family no matter the cost.

Tommy, rather than going straight to a physical confrontation, challenged the man, asking him if he was with a partner and kids, the man replied - he wasn't with a partner or kids of his own. Tommy then asked the man if he had grabbed his daughters bum. The man replied that he did grab his daughters bum - "by mistake".

Imagine as a father what you would do at this point, even if you never went straight into a physical confrontation. Tommy gave the man a chance to explain himself, and he did. He admitted to groping Tommy's daughter's backside. Most fathers, well let's say many fathers, would at this point decide to give this "would be nonce" (child molester) a beating right there and then, but Tommy didn't even do that!

A Father Protecting His Child

Rather than going straight into a physical fight with the man, he told him that he couldn't leave. Tommy wanted Centre Parcs security to detain him until such a time when Police arrived to arrest this "would be" nonce (child molester). The middle-aged offender got a bit panicky; he knew what would probably happen if the Police arrived to arrest him. The man decided that he couldn't be detained and attempted to move past Tommy who was well within his rights to make a citizens arrest, a crime had been committed, a middle-aged pervert molested his daughter in the swimming pool.

As far as Tommy was concerned, this man should not be allowed to escape justice, how many other children had this man potentially molested in his time there and prior to that even? You simply cannot grope, squeeze, pinch or grab an eight-year-old child's bottom by "accident" or by "mistake". Tommy wasn't going to allow the man to rush past him; the man grabbed Tommy by the neck, leaving a very neat handprint there.

Tommy Robinson Neck Injury
Tommy's Neck Injury After Dealing With A Nonce At Centre Parcs

It was at this point a physical fracas ensued, the "would be nonce" (child molester) ended up with a bleeding nose. Centre Parcs security interviened, they separated Tommy from the "would be nonce" (child molester) who received first aid for a "minor injury". The Police were called and eventually managed to arrive at Centre Parcs, three hours later. In that time, the Police could see there was a victim of an egregious and vicious crime, the "would be nonce" (child molester) complained to the Police.

Bedfordshire Police officers dutifully arrested a father for the "crime" of protecting his daughter and the "crime" of stopping a suspected paedophile from escaping justice. The "would be nonce" (child molester) was not cautioned or arrested by Bedfordshire Police officers; he was simply "let go". If the modus operandi of Police forces up and down the UK are influenced by media reports of Tommy Robinson then the UK is in dire straights indeed.

During a follow-up call from DS Hancock, it became pretty clear that as far as he was concerned, the only reason Bedfordshire Police would arrest the "would be nonce" is if there was CCTV or witnesses to the sexual assault of a minor. DS Hancock would know better than anyone; Police officers do not "need" evidence to arrest anyone; they don't need it to caution someone and then question them about the incident either, Police only need "reasonable grounds" to make an arrest.

Police Arresting Powers UK
Police Arresting Powers UK - They Only Need "Reasonable Grounds"

Bedfordshire Police have proven without any doubt in our minds, they were more interested in the political scalp of Tommy Robinson, protecting paedophiles and dismissing the allegations of an eight-year-old girl.

One of the many reasons why the rape of Britain happened is because Police forces up and down the country failed to protect children; it looks as though they are still repeating past mistakes.

Protecting paedophiles while punishing children and protective fathers does not amount to "justice" of any kind.

Tommy will attend Luton Magistrates court for the "alleged crime" of common assault on the 2nd of April at 2pm. We invite everybody, no matter what political persuasion you have, to stand with Tommy in support. This issue is way above politics; it's about protecting children from predatory paedophiles.

To watch a longer version video with the full breakdown click HERE

If you intend to stand with Tommy in support, please get to Luton Magistrates at 9am on the 2nd of April.

Here is the address and map location of the Magistrate Court.

Stuart Street

Click HERE.


See you there!



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gov setup
that means someone got paid taxpayers money to plan sexual assault on 8 yr old child
think about that
- PiPtar

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I thought this right from the first moment I knew what happened and I sure has heck hope it isn't this.

Much as I feel for Tommy and his Family, (there is no way he should have been arrested on site for common assault) .. From this video, I can see both sides of this conversation. Tommy, you want the bloke arrested .. I get it ! .. But, as you should know yourself, the old bill can arrest anyone, but it don't mean it is going anywhere. Hearing what plod had to say, they are investigating for solid evidence for conviction. If the CCTV shows that, it's cut and dried, rather than your Daughters word against that dirty nonce.
- Paul

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How would you react if it was your daughter? He wasn’t on assignment here remember.
- Yerpal

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I would have phoned the police first, asked them if i can prevent them leaving (this phone call would be recorded) and then gone to the manager. I would have kept an eye on them until the police arrived, even if they had gone to leave after i had confronted them center parcs would have their contact details. If they had tried to leave after being confronted and were unwilling to wait for the police then that suggests guilt and would be more ammunition for an arrest.

- brixtonboy

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This whole thing would have panned out very differently if tommy had phoned the police and then kept an eye on them until the police had arrived. he could also have gone to the manager/security and got him involved. They tried to leave because he confronted them.
- brixtonboy

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I thought from the beginning it had set up written all over it.Guess also that the security cameras in that area weren't working.
The nonce won't be in court to press charges or be available to be questioned by Tommys legal team
There will be some legal term used that the nonce can make his statement from afar not under oath and by written...this will be acceptable by the court.
It stinks.
- Floody

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Yet again youtube taken down the video. Hopefully the CTV will show. But it's strange that you see guys straight arrested on the mere allegation of rape. But this no action. I mean you can understand the skeptic when it comes to adult women. But the police aren't like that at all. But when it comes to a kid. I couldn't see them making up such a lie. And I'm sure you daughter understands how Tommy would react. Also Tommy was restraining the guy. Making a public arrest.
- Jrzone

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I click on the latest video on firefox but the button does nothing. Need to use microsoft edge to view it.
- Jrzone

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Tommy's team are constantly battling with the biggest tech companies in the world and sometimes it's hard to keep everything working when we're blocked from the easiest to use services.

"Paedo Protection Patrol reporting reporting for duty Guv!"
- Moir

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It's neither 'pro-paedophile policing' or 'negligence'. It's Beds Police @ 8mins on the video playing down the alleged sexual assault to justify their officers arresting the father on assault charges for detaining his daughter's alleged assailant.

On the strong prima facie evidence he recorded he had more than reasonable grounds to use force if necessary.

I couldn't care less her father is far right, I care about an 8 year old girl being sexually assaulted.

Beds Police then and now clearly have another priority.

I'd already complained to the Commissioner, and have just sent the "shocking update" @ 8mins of this phone call.
- GraemeThompson

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I'm wishing all the best for Tommy and his family.

Sounds like this cop is a hinder just because its Tommy kids. And that he laughed just show this cop dont take it serious. If someone stole a car and crashed the cops would follow to hospital then arrest the person, that the cops just let it go before watching recording and not taking phone away aswell as taking him in just show some ppl get away with things way to easy.
- CanCerManNor

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I heard him laugh too and i thought it was just me who heard this! This made me angry! 😠

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