The PRC Foreign Ministry urged the United States to publish details of the incident with a nuclear submarine

in Steem Links3 years ago

What has just happened recently with the US submarine is something very, very rare and China is extremely concerned about the incident and it is that recently a US nuclear submarine impacted with what was defined as an unknown object.

Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian

BEIJING, October 8. / TASS /. The United States is to provide the international community with details of the incident with the USS Connecticut (Seawolf-class) nuclear-powered submarine, which collided with an unknown object in the Indo-Pacific region. Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian said this at a press conference on Friday.

"China is deeply concerned about this incident. The United States and other countries involved should provide relevant details, including the exact location of the incident, the purpose of this trip, details of what the submarine encountered, whether there was a radiation leak or whether it was caused harm to the environment, "the diplomat said.

"The US is delaying the publication of information about this incident and trying to hush it up. They are acting opaque and irresponsible," he added. As the Foreign Ministry spokesman noted, this incident is of particular importance against the backdrop of the establishment of the AUKUS partnership by Australia, the UK and the United States to transfer nuclear submarine technology to Canberra.

Link to the article related to the post:
The PRC Foreign Ministry urged the United States to publish details of the incident with a nuclear submarine

Note: use the google translator because the article is in Russian.

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Article summary and opinions

According to some Chinese spokesmen, the United States is covering up the incident and delaying the publication of the information, acting opaquely and irresponsible, the submarine in question is the USS Connecticut, it is a nuclear submarine and it collided with something huge that was going very fast on October 2, 2021 All of these occurred on a mission in the Indo-Pacific, the great impact injured 11 crew members of the ship, discarding a rock or something that had to do with nature and the seabed.

To make matters worse, the front part of the submarine was badly damaged and in the end they had to go to the island of Wuhan to repair it. Up to this point we ask ourselves, what has happened here? Why are you hiding this incident? Why is nothing known about that object that hit the submarine?

I do not know here there are very strange things that should be clarified as soon as possible. For now I prefer not to speculate because this smells strange and is that the object, according to what they indicate that it was going very fast, we will be left with the unknown against which that submarine wanted to nuclear.

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Publicacion escrita por @ruzmaira para la comunidad de Steem Links


This incident will certainly give rise to various speculations, especially since there is no acceptable explanation from the United States. If only the submarine didn't belong to the United States, perhaps the answer to what happened would be quicker. I never believed, that nothing would be hidden to cover a certain mission.
Thanks for sharing, this an interest information for to discuss

 3 years ago 

The United States has always been meticulous when it comes to disclosing information of any kind, the mystery of everything. What did the submarine collide with?

Ciao @ruzmaira, di nuovo Wuhan e CINA coinvolti in questioni oscure, e il peggio tutto questo viene gestito nell'ombra, spero che no succeda la stessa cosa con il virus, ma è come dici tu, tutto questo è abbastanza sospetto.
ti auguro una felice giornata

 3 years ago 

Sono mesi che penso che succederà qualcosa di grande nel mondo e quando sarà troppo tardi lo scopriremo: gli Stati Uniti e la Cina hanno qualcosa tra le mani e non lo dicono.

Ultimamente vediamo cose molto strane sia nello spazio aereo che in mare, fuori c'è una tecnologia molto avanzata che nessun essere umano capirebbe come funziona e sono sicuro che non sono extraterrestri e ce lo fanno credere, Cina e Stati Uniti Stati. agiscono in segreto che anche la stessa marina e le forze armate non sono consapevoli di ciò che sta facendo il proprio paese.

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