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RE: Increases in COVID-19 are unrelated to levels of vaccination across 68 countries and 2947 counties in the United States - European Journal of Epediemiology

in Steem Links3 years ago

It's sort of like looking at a month's worth of weather, and trying to extrapolate climate change trends from it.

For personal decision-making, I agree. In the area of public policy, though, the evidence should be clear and compelling before anyone even starts talking about mandates.


In general, I tend to agree with that stance. That's not necessarily best in all scenarios, though. In a state of emergency, this is one of the places I'm willing to make some allowances on that general approach.

Of course the question becomes: what qualifies a state of emergency, and how should the negative effects of being in a state of emergency affect the qualification?

In a state of emergency, this is one of the places I'm willing to make some allowances on that general approach.

I probably agree with this in principle, but in practice, I'm hard pressed to think of an (alleged) emergency during my lifetime that would qualify for this sort of expansion of power. Also, emergency grants of power should be temporary (which they almost never are, in my experience).

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