
I'll take clammy skin over scaly skin anyday! 👽😵😂

That is one creepy photo, Bro! Don't know if you did it on purpose, or if this is one of those weird-assss coincidences, but the Cassiopaean are an insectiod alien race!

It was actually in remembrance of one of my favorite X-Files episodes, "War of the Coprophages".

I used to love X-Files! Why doesn't that surprise you! Ha ha! I either missed that episode, or too many years have gone by.

I can't guarantee the accuracy of this (in fact, I'm sure I'll get plenty wrong!), but my recollection is that Moulder and Scully are investigating the death of somebody who died of an aneurism while ... ahem ... on the toilet. Scully thought he was probably constipated, and caused the aneurism when exerting extra effort. But Moulder noticed cockroaches crawling around, and wondered if they were aliens. When Scully questioned him about it, Moulder made the point that if extra terrestrials were in fact regular visitors, they'd send tiny robots before coming themselves.

That's actually a common hypothesis within the UFO community. And they obviously would have the advanced technology to do it. Even theoretical physicist, Michio Kaku, believes that alien races would create self-replicating AI robots to jump from planet to planet, and solar system to solar system, while sending data back along the network to either a mothership, or a home world.

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