Why Masks Are a Charade

in Steem Links3 years ago (edited)

Driving the irrational and unscientific narrative about mask wearing is the censoring of truthful and factual information by tech platforms. YouTube recently banned a video by U.S. Sen. Rand Paul in which he stated that masks don’t work

In a 2020 email obtained via a freedom of information act request, Dr. Anthony Fauci stated, “The typical mask you buy in the drug store is not really effective in keeping out virus, which is small enough to pass through the material”

February 25, 2020, U.K. health authorities published guidance discouraging the use of masks even for health care workers in residential care facilities, as there’s no evidence that they prevent viral spread

Randomized controlled trials (RCTs) have long been regarded as the gold standard in medical research, yet RCTs are now ignored when it comes to mask wearing

Of 14 RCTs that have tested the effectiveness of masks in preventing the transmission of respiratory viruses, 11 suggest masks are either useless or counterproductive. The remaining three suggest masks may be useful, but not to a statistically significant degree.

Why Masks Are a Charade


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The masks are another issue in this matter of the virus, but somehow the body adapts to it and generates a kind of protection, I read it in a document on the internet, then the same organism does what science seeks.

It's amazing how many issues have come out from this virus. The biggest problem with wearing masks all day is that you reinfect yourself with everything that the body is trying to expel. And then, on top of that, most of the masks that are being used in this so-called pandemic, do not actually stop the virus from spreading.

The use of a mask is used as part of the measures to counteract the transmission, but, by itself, they do not adequately protect.

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