Life in these star-systems could have spotted Earth

in Steem Links3 years ago

Scientists at Cornell University and the American Museum of Natural History have identified 2,034 nearby star-systems—within the small cosmic distance of 326 light-years—that could find Earth merely by watching our pale blue dot cross our sun.

The Breakthrough Starshot initiative is an ambitious project underway that is looking to launch a nano-sized spacecraft toward the closest exoplanet detected around Proxima Centauri—4.2 light-years from us—and fully characterize that world.

"One might imagine that worlds beyond Earth that have already detected us, are making the same plans for our planet and solar system," said Faherty. "This catalog is an intriguing thought experiment for which one of our neighbors might be able to find us."

Life in these star-systems could have spotted Earth

 3 years ago 

If extraterrestrial lives do exist, then it will prove a lot of religious ideologies wrong. I am curious about the level of the intellect of such aliens. For all we know, they could still be in the primitive mindset, thus if they exist.

I think, instead of proving religion wrong, it will cause us to reinterpret religion. Maybe the gods, angels and demons are really aliens which our ancestors worshiped because of their advanced technology, which to us would seem like supernatural magic. Look at the Wheel of Ezekiel in the Bible that comes out of the sky. The ancient Indian texts that also describe objects coming from the sky. The Dogon tribe in West Africa, who say their ancestors were visited by beings that came from the star-system Sirius B, and that was before scientists had even discovered Sirius B.

 3 years ago 

The video in that article doesn't seem to be embeddable on Steem, but here is a video embed from a related article that they linked to (Smile, wave: Some exoplanets may be able to see us, too):

And here is the paper in Nature, but it's behind a paywall.

Personally, this is the part that really caught my attention:

The Breakthrough Starshot initiative is an ambitious project underway that is looking to launch a nano-sized spacecraft toward the closest exoplanet detected around Proxima Centauri—4.2 light-years from us—and fully characterize that world.

I wonder how long it will take to make the trip and also how far they are from launching. Unfortunately, I didn't find those answers in the article.

On the other hand, the next paragraph is sort of a double-edged sword.

"One might imagine that worlds beyond Earth that have already detected us, are making the same plans for our planet and solar system," said Faherty. "This catalog is an intriguing thought experiment for which one of our neighbors might be able to find us."

Personally, this is the part that really caught my attention:

Me too! That's why I included it in the Steem Link. I usually go for the first two paragraphs, but when I got to the end, I was like "WOW", this is interesting!

I have to revert back to what I have already said about Michio Kaku's theories, and ask not how long it would take, but rather if they are already here, or if they have already sent out AI robotics to comb the galaxy.

 3 years ago 

I have to revert back to what I have already said about Michio Kaku's theories, and ask not how long it would take, but rather if they are already here, or if they have already sent out AI robotics to comb the galaxy.

After ~14 billion years in the universe, you'd think that some civilizations might have had time to develop far past where we are with ~4 billion years on Earth. When you take all that extra time into account, it's probably not totally implausible that another civilization could at least have sent probes.

It's completely plausible. And any truly reasonable person would, at the very least, not dismiss a hypothesis like that. It is the most rational line of logic that even a child could comprehend. And when you factor in pieces of historical evidence, whether written, portrayed in art or physical archeological remains, you can't help but remain even more open to the theory.

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