Facebook goes full Big Brother with new “extremism” warnings

in Steem Links3 years ago

Have you been reading things you shouldn’t online? Have you found yourself feeling frustrated and angry at the corruption of the ruling class, wealth inequality or the general state of the world?

Well then, the chances are good you’ve accidentally been exposed to “misinformation” or “extremist content” spread by “violent groups” in order to manipulate you.

But don’t worry, Facebook is on the case. Simply report the offensive and upsetting materials to your local content controller, and then contact their pre-approved counsellors for immediate de-programming.

Facebook goes full Big Brother with new “extremism” warnings

 3 years ago (edited)

Yeah, I mostly stopped using Facebook the day that they rolled out their new Digital Stasi program. The part that really concerns me is the invitation to report it if you're afraid that someone you know is being radicalized. That's going to be massively abused.

They're way past the creepy line now.

I never heard of the Digital Stasi program, probably because I never really keep too much up to date on these kinds of things. But this reminds me of the 30s, when people were asked to spy on and report their neighbors; as well as McCarthyism with the "Red Scare."

Big Tech are now feeling themselves to be Heads of State, and are behaving like dictators. I think it's a kind of "wannabe" syndrome! I heard somewhere, don't remember where, that new laws are being passed to allow Big Tech Companies to declare their property to be like a district, or state, or sovereign area, where they can make their own laws and draft up their own constitution, and basically consider themselves a government.

I'm not really concerned about how it will be abused by the users of Facebook, because we know that this will be the case. My concern would be more towards what will Facebook do with these classifications of "extremists", and will the Intelligence Agencies be part of this "rehabilitation" program?!

Your "creepy" link led to a 404 error page, with a creepy image! Ha ha!

 3 years ago 

DIgital Stasi is just my name for it because it reminds me of the the way the Stasi were described during the cold war. I don't know much about it, but my understanding is that a good part of their information came from getting members of families and communities to report each other to the state. I agree with your comparisons, too. I guess the same bad ideas just keep getting recycled over and over again.

Fixed the link. Sorry about that.

A lot of this really does make more sense if you read Generations: The History of America's Future, 1584–2069 by William Strauss and Neil Howe. Very powerful discovery they made!

 3 years ago 

I haven't read the book, but I am aware of the concept, and I have read some articles about it.

I actually noticed a sort of cyclical ~80 year pattern to American history (American Revolution --> Civil War --> WWII --> 2020s) a couple decades ago, before hearing about Generational Theory. It's not a perfect fit, because you have WWI and the Great Depression in there, but it's close enough to raise eyebrows. As a result, I have been wary of the 2020s for quite some time.

And you're right, the reemergence of the same failed ideas definitely fits well into that framework.

It's not a perfect fit, because you have WWI and the Great Depression in there...

The Great Depression started the Crises Season, which gave birth to the Silent Generation, and that ended with WWII, which marked the beginning of the Season of the High, which gave birth to the Baby Boomers. What you pointed out there, were the endings of the "80 years cycle" or Saeculum, but those ending points are generally preceded 20 years prior, by an economic collapse. We are moving towards war, as the cycle goes from Great Depression 1929 to Great Recession 2009.

Gene Codes - Session 7

  • Generations and the Saeculum

Think of WWI more like 9/11!

 3 years ago 

Along those lines, one of the articles I read said that WWI fit into Europe's 80 year cycle, whereas WWII fit into America's. WWI was almost over by the time that America joined.

In your video, you mentioned your belief that the global cycles might be harmonized now, I can imagine that Europe and America might have come into synch during the Great Depression and WWII.

I absolutely agree, Steve. Even Howe and Stauss said that the rhythms were specific to each society or region of the world, but with globalization and globalism, and especially a global economy, we are all syncing to the saeculum together. Russia is meant to be in the High, but the global recession, and this covid scenario has pushed us closer to total synchronization, which will be finalized with some kind of war, which I believe will be more cyber-based than hand-to-hand combat. The new battleground is digital!

The Google policy on a lot of things is to get right up to the creepy line and not cross it.

For me, they crossed the creepy line when they came up with the AI Machine Learning Fairness algorithm, which will determine whether what you write or say is true or false by checking it against Wikipedia! AI is already creepy enough, but now you want to program it to accept Wikipedia as a reference point for the truth!

As far as I know, we do not have a medical lab working on implants.

Yeah, maybe because Elon Musk already has that covered. Now the question remains, is Google funding Elon Musk to play around beyond the creepy line, so that they don't have to be in the spotlight? And what about crossing the creepy line by funding Gain-of-Function research?!

Zuckerberg's face is creepy to me!

It is good that Facebook has taken action on the matter in order to prevent certain people from manipulating large masses in society.

Unfortunately, it is Facebook who is manipulating large masses of society, and this is the latest tactic, not to help us, but rather to label those who do not agree with the official narrative as "extremists."

 3 years ago 

With such large number of regular users.. it is very necessary for FB to make this course of action very effective. People are taking advantage of the platform to socially engineer the minds of people for their benefits.

It is Facebook who is socially engineering the minds of its users, as well as the public at large. This move by Facebook is not for our benefit, it is to further isolate those people who are not in line with the official narrative, and to get us to spy on one another.

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