The bravest journalist in the world

in Steem Links2 years ago

( 1 Jul 2022> )

The bravest journalist in the world


The British Priti Patel has already announced that she approved the extradition of Julián Assange, journalist creator of wikileaks, to the US, after ruling that the guarantees provided by the American country for "good treatment and respect for the integrity of the accused" are safe.

The defense presided over by his new wife Stella Moris have argued that the US government's promise that the detainee will not be subjected to extreme conditions does not make any sense, because it is conditional, because it is political and could be modified at the discretion of authorities at any time.

Julián Assange faces 18 charges under the espionage law, a completely despotic retardation law from the beginning of the 20th century that predicts 175 years in prison for him, if the state itself does not eliminate Assange beforehand.


Edward Snowden, a former CIA agent, ruled that Julián Assange could suffer the same fate as the antivirus tycoon Mcafee, who mysteriously appeared hanged in a Barcelona prison despite having tattooed on his arm days before the phrase "I'm not going to end my life." life".


His wife Moris has denounced the prison authorities because they forbid her to photograph him, and this has a meaning, which is that Julián Assange remains invisible to the public, that he is completely forgotten, that it is impossible to empathize with him, who is, after all, a great hero and not a criminal, criminals are those who have him locked up in extreme conditions, maurice compared the logic that the so-called democrats of England and the US are applying with the practice of Soviet Russia to make a person disappear hoping that be forgotten.

But as much as they try to hide it and as much as the media that for years sold the wikileaks discoveries as their main scoops, now they forget everything and even dare to say that Assange is a hacker and not a journalist, despite all this disgusting and obscene display of institutional, political and media immorality, continues There is an avalanche of support from the people who express our respect and gratitude for Assange's work.

We can only hope for those who believe in him and entrust ourselves to all that we believe in true justice, so that the bravest journalist in the world is saved from a tragic fate.

WikiLeaks’ Assange lodges UK appeal against extradition to US

WikiLeaks’ founder Julian Assange has appealed to the High Court in London to block his extradition to the United States to face criminal charges, his brother has said, the latest step in his legal battle that has dragged on for more than 10 years.

Australian-born Assange, 50, is wanted by US authorities on 18 counts, including a spying charge, relating to WikiLeaks’ release of vast troves of confidential US military records and diplomatic cables which Washington said had put lives in danger.


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