Soros buys 18 stations in Miami to influence voters.

in Steem Links2 years ago

( June 6, 2022 )

Soros buys 18 stations in Miami to influence voters.

On Monday a Latino startup largely backed by George Soros bought 18 Hispanic radio stations for $60 million.

Gov. Ron de Santis said in a statement that he is only pushing a "Marxist agenda" on voters through his left-wing media network.

The Republican governor plans to buy an ad on two of Miami's soros radio stations. His ads will warn voters of recent media buying and what he calls leftist disinformation.

This new network was announced on Friday under the name of latino media network, it is financed in large part by LAKE STAR an investment group affiliated with Soros fund management.


Florida governor Ron DeSantis (R.) is taking out a Spanish-language radio ad to warn voters about a George Soros-backed company's purchase of Hispanic radio stations in Miami in order to "infiltrate" the state with leftist ideology.

"Warning, voters! The Left is taking control of our local media," reads an English translation of the DeSantis campaign's ad, which will run on stations set to be acquired by a conglomerate financed by the left-wing billionaire. "George Soros, known for financing extreme leftist causes, is now financing the purchase of Hispanic radio stations right here in Miami."

The Latino Media Network, backed by Soros's Lakestar Finance, last week agreed to purchase 18 Hispanic radio stations across the country, including the conservative Radio Mambi in Miami. The acquisitions by the conglomerate, which is led by Democrats and left-wing activists, come amid increasing concerns within the Democratic Party about Republicans winning over Latino voters.


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