Nobel Peace Prize winner, she denounces the internet giants' infox on Covid

in Steem Links3 years ago

( 23 December 2021 Last updated: December 24, 2021 )

"Their near-divine power allowed the virus of lies to infect each of us, pitting us against each other, bringing out our fears, our anger, our hatred and paving the way for the rise of authoritarian rulers and dictators. . "(1)


Filipino journalist Maria Ressa, 58, a 2021 Nobel Peace Laureate, sent out a resounding message when her award was presented to the royal family in Oslo in early December.

The GAFAMs (Google, Amazon, Facebook, Apple, Microsoft) are killing free information and spreading a toxic story about the Covid crisis, she says.

"Their near-divine power allowed the virus of lies to infect each of us, pitting us against each other, bringing out our fears, our anger, our hatred and paving the way for the rise of authoritarian rulers and dictators. . "(1)

After covering her entire career on corruption, human rights abuses and terrorism in her country, the journalist on parole barely made it to Norway to receive her award. She observes the global grip of GAFAM on public opinion, as well as the denial of reliable facts and information "which are essential in a period of a pandemic".


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