Article on Joseph A career wrecked my goodness

in zzan3 years ago

Then Joseph’s master took him and put him into the prison come on the place where the game’s prisoners were confirmed. And it was there in the prison Genesis 39:20. The Bible declares that the wisdom of this world is foolishness to God; my ways are not your ways says God and for one to be considered as wise indeed in God’s own estimation karma he must be god fearing command for it is written the fear of God is the beginning of wisdom

Life seems to be just unfair. Hell’s how do we explain the paradox of getting rewarded with adversity for being virtuous? Plainly put the question, why does the righteous suffer? Remains one for which a satisfactory answer is yet to be found. It is commonly believed that an outright man should be blessed Psalms chapter 1 verses 1 - 3

Hence, when the contrary happens then one is wants to ask questions as to the cause the story of Joseph is one of such cases.
Joseph was the 11th of Jacob’s 12 sons yet enjoy up unprecedented favour. He became the apple of his father’s eyes. This was not only because he was a son of Jacob’s old age and birthed by his favourite wife. Rachael, who was now late but also because of his good behaviour. Joseph distinguished himself as the reporter of his brother’s evil deeds.

This is the story of Jacob. Joseph comer being 17 years old, who was feeding the flock with his brothers. And the Lord was with the sons of Bilhah and the sons of Zilpah, his father’s wives comma and Joseph brought a bad report of them to his father Genesis 37 verse 2

Joseph was unhappy with the evil deeds of his brothers come on which may include cruelty to order shepherds and host communities. He did not allow filial relationship to blind his eyes to the evil deeds of his brothers . He reported them to their father Jacob.

Many of us today do not want to offend people, especially when they are close to us. We see our friends and relatives doing that which is evil and we only win at each forgotten that we are meant to be our brother’s keeper in that respect to and that someday we shall stand before the judgement seat of Christ to give an account of our stewardship concerning them.

Like Joseph did, we must not shy away from reporting to our Father, God, what we know, sea or hear about orders. Joseph was a minority among those Brothers yet you refuse to join them in doing evil. Consequently, you run into trouble with them and was sold into slavery.

For being good, Joseph got rewarded with hatred isolation and eventual selling off to the ishmaelites who in turn sold him to Portiphar, Pharaoh’s chief guard of the prison.

Joseph in Portiphar’s house

Joseph comer the beloved son of Jacob for whom a coat of many colours was made was now a slave in the house of Portiphar, sold by his own blood Brothers. He was no more than an article or two which may be used or abused. There are people who have been hot simply for doing that which is right. The pains would have been assuaged if only they had someone to sympathize with them, but there was known as the conscience of many have been seared with hot iron.

There are people who, like Joseph, hot to be Lords over their rightful heritage yet they are toiling away in Portiphar’s house serving as a bond men and women.

However, it is instructive to note that throughout his 13 years travel Joseph was not alone Bible records that God was with him.
The Lord was with Joseph and he was a successful man and he was in the house of his master the Egyptian. The Lord was with Joseph and he was a successful night and he was in a house of his master the gym teacher but the Lord was with Joseph and show him medicine and he gave him favour in the sight of the keeper of the prison Genesis chapter 39 vs2 and 21.

The presence of God was so evident in the life of Joseph the spirit is seeming unfortunate situation that he succeeded in everything that was committed to his hand.
God will never leave his own wherever there are no matter what happens by in the palace or dungeon. When you pass through the waters I will be with you and through the rivers they shall not overflow you when you walk through The fire you shall not be burnt no Shadow flame scorch you Isaiah 43:2


When we pray that God should make us great then we must be prepared also for challenges that comes with greatness. Joseph had become chief servant in the household of Portiphar. Consequently he had unfettered access to the inner chambers of Portiphar’s household. Joseph’s position as well as his communist became occasions for him to be tempted. His Master's wife took unusual interest in him and made sexual advances at him.
Except we have the right perspective and attitude to gains possession wealth and beauty they can become sources of temptation and ensnarement.
Based on these past bitter experience, Joseph could have concluded that “it does no good being good”, as his previous good deeds have been rewarded with degradation. Yet, he was resolute in the meaning righteous full stop his Master’s wife offered him her body and some associated perk’s that he refused to take advantage of her. Gen. 39:8 – 9
Although the offer by Mrs Portiphar seemed fantastic Joseph knew it was a poisoned chalice one that was sure to land him in trouble abort his dream and scuttle the plan of God for him eventually.

Hot Joseph agreed to an amorous affair with such and adultrious woman he may have been favoured father in the house of Portiphar as the woman will certainly have spoken well of him to her husband. But to Joseph it was not personal success that mattered but a good conscience before god. How can I do this great wickedness and sin against God. Genesis 39 verse 9 b.
Our contemporary society has been overwhelmed by the success mentality the church inclusive. Some preachers tell us that we must be successful by all means. We want immediate results for every effort. We want others to see that we have made it and in the desperate quest for success we often do not care about our testimony character and integrity.

Where is it is not out of place to desire success we must be careful to pursue it in accordance with the will of God knowing and understanding God’s definition of true success.
Joshua 1 : 8 this book of the law shall not depart from your mouth but you shall meditate in it day and night that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your ways prosperous and then you will have good success.
It is better to feel here and make heaven to be successful in the eyes of men and burn forever in hell.
Joseph was aware of the awful consequences of committing the sin of sexual immorality and he did not dilly-dally
With the temptation bait. He rejected each bluntly, left his garment in the woman's hand and fled. In most cases the only Way out of the intention is to flee. The Bible warns us to “ flee youthful lost”
Youthful lust will not flee from us we are to run away from it.
Joseph's garment was spread before his Portiphar to deceive him and ring Joseph. This was the second time that Joseph’s garment will be used by some persons to mislead all this on purpose. His brothers had used it earlier to deceive his father that he had died. Again it was being used to deceive Portiphar that Joseph had assaulted his wife sexually.
However, because God words with Joseph he was sent to jail rather than being executed as the Lord demanded. Portiphar may have doubted the veracity of his wife’s claim, having known the character and conduct of Joseph before the incidence.
The hand of God was clearly in the night sentence which was handed down to Joseph.
Despite being at the lowest ebb of his fortune, flung down by a lie; having lost the confidence of his master and in curing the wrath of a wicked woman, Joseph remained his good self even in prison.
The wisdom of the world cause such a man fully who read his budding career by his goodness.
Are there in the Bible says but God was with him that is a divine “but” quite different from most others. When god is with a person present will become a paradise. There are many other prisoners after Joseph whose experiences are the same. We have Paul The prisoner not of the emperor but of the lord Jesus Christ.
There was John on the island of Patmos John Bunyan in jail at Bedford George Fox in Lancaster Castle and many other believers who have been held behind bars around the world on account of their free and conviction.
I am not going to touch the story of how Joseph was delivered out of prison God cool we’ll eat for him to die there; like it was with John the Baptist. It is not the release from prison that is so glorious our best instance but the good conscience in the prison.
My conclusion
Come what May we must demonstrate and oppose the fact that right is right and seeing is seeing what does wrong can never be right and vice versa. Consequences to matter how humiliating must not deter us from good Christian conduct in our country most people are afraid of doing good because of the wrong impression that it doesn't pay but it does pay ultimately. When we are derided at and more for doing good that is the time we shall not relent our father who sees us in the secret shall reward also openly. Any work done in the fear of the Lord is not necessarily meant to prosper outwardly but if such work does not work in us the peaceable fruit of righteousness then it is prosperous in the deepest truth. We only need to have a more Christian idea of what constitutes prosperity. To the secular world Joseph was a failure but to God he was a success and spiritual giant indeed.
In the end we shall never ever regret our act of goodness though our career may be read here on Earth by doing good and let us not grow weary while doing good for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heartArticle on Joseph
A career wrecked my goodness

Then Joseph’s master took him and put him into the prison come on the place where the game’s prisoners were confirmed. And it was there in the prison Genesis 39:20. The Bible declares that the wisdom of this world is foolishness to God; my ways are not your ways says God and for one to be considered as wise indeed in God’s own estimation karma he must be god fearing command for it is written the fear of God is the beginning of wisdom

Life seems to be just unfair. Hell’s how do we explain the paradox of getting rewarded with adversity for being virtuous? Plainly put the question, why does the righteous suffer? Remains one for which a satisfactory answer is yet to be found. It is commonly believed that an outright man should be blessed Psalms chapter 1 verses 1 - 3

Hence, when the contrary happens then one is wants to ask questions as to the cause the story of Joseph is one of such cases.
Joseph was the 11th of Jacob’s 12 sons yet enjoy up unprecedented favour. He became the apple of his father’s eyes. This was not only because he was a son of Jacob’s old age and birthed by his favourite wife. Rachael, who was now late but also because of his good behaviour. Joseph distinguished himself as the reporter of his brother’s evil deeds.

This is the story of Jacob. Joseph comer being 17 years old, who was feeding the flock with his brothers. And the Lord was with the sons of Bilhah and the sons of Zilpah, his father’s wives comma and Joseph brought a bad report of them to his father Genesis 37 verse 2

Joseph was unhappy with the evil deeds of his brothers come on which may include cruelty to order shepherds and host communities. He did not allow filial relationship to blind his eyes to the evil deeds of his brothers . He reported them to their father Jacob.

Many of us today do not want to offend people, especially when they are close to us. We see our friends and relatives doing that which is evil and we only win at each forgotten that we are meant to be our brother’s keeper in that respect to and that someday we shall stand before the judgement seat of Christ to give an account of our stewardship concerning them.

Like Joseph did, we must not shy away from reporting to our Father, God, what we know, sea or hear about orders. Joseph was a minority among those Brothers yet you refuse to join them in doing evil. Consequently, you run into trouble with them and was sold into slavery.

For being good, Joseph got rewarded with hatred isolation and eventual selling off to the ishmaelites who in turn sold him to Portiphar, Pharaoh’s chief guard of the prison.

Joseph in Portiphar’s house

Joseph comer the beloved son of Jacob for whom a coat of many colours was made was now a slave in the house of Portiphar, sold by his own blood Brothers. He was no more than an article or two which may be used or abused. There are people who have been hot simply for doing that which is right. The pains would have been assuaged if only they had someone to sympathize with them, but there was known as the conscience of many have been seared with hot iron.

There are people who, like Joseph, hot to be Lords over their rightful heritage yet they are toiling away in Portiphar’s house serving as a bond men and women.

However, it is instructive to note that throughout his 13 years travel Joseph was not alone Bible records that God was with him.
The Lord was with Joseph and he was a successful man and he was in the house of his master the Egyptian. The Lord was with Joseph and he was a successful night and he was in a house of his master the gym teacher but the Lord was with Joseph and show him medicine and he gave him favour in the sight of the keeper of the prison Genesis chapter 39 vs2 and 21.

The presence of God was so evident in the life of Joseph the spirit is seeming unfortunate situation that he succeeded in everything that was committed to his hand.
God will never leave his own wherever there are no matter what happens by in the palace or dungeon. When you pass through the waters I will be with you and through the rivers they shall not overflow you when you walk through The fire you shall not be burnt no Shadow flame scorch you Isaiah 43:2


When we pray that God should make us great then we must be prepared also for challenges that comes with greatness. Joseph had become chief servant in the household of Portiphar. Consequently he had unfettered access to the inner chambers of Portiphar’s household. Joseph’s position as well as his communist became occasions for him to be tempted. His Master's wife took unusual interest in him and made sexual advances at him.
Except we have the right perspective and attitude to gains possession wealth and beauty they can become sources of temptation and ensnarement.
Based on these past bitter experience, Joseph could have concluded that “it does no good being good”, as his previous good deeds have been rewarded with degradation. Yet, he was resolute in the meaning righteous full stop his Master’s wife offered him her body and some associated perk’s that he refused to take advantage of her. Gen. 39:8 – 9
Although the offer by Mrs Portiphar seemed fantastic Joseph knew it was a poisoned chalice one that was sure to land him in trouble abort his dream and scuttle the plan of God for him eventually.

Hot Joseph agreed to an amorous affair with such and adultrious woman he may have been favoured father in the house of Portiphar as the woman will certainly have spoken well of him to her husband. But to Joseph it was not personal success that mattered but a good conscience before god. How can I do this great wickedness and sin against God. Genesis 39 verse 9 b.
Our contemporary society has been overwhelmed by the success mentality the church inclusive. Some preachers tell us that we must be successful by all means. We want immediate results for every effort. We want others to see that we have made it and in the desperate quest for success we often do not care about our testimony character and integrity.

Where is it is not out of place to desire success we must be careful to pursue it in accordance with the will of God knowing and understanding God’s definition of true success.
Joshua 1 : 8 this book of the law shall not depart from your mouth but you shall meditate in it day and night that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your ways prosperous and then you will have good success.
It is better to feel here and make heaven to be successful in the eyes of men and burn forever in hell.
Joseph was aware of the awful consequences of committing the sin of sexual immorality and he did not dilly-dally
With the temptation bait. He rejected each bluntly, left his garment in the woman's hand and fled. In most cases the only Way out of the intention is to flee. The Bible warns us to “ flee youthful lost”
Youthful lust will not flee from us we are to run away from it.
Joseph's garment was spread before his Portiphar to deceive him and ring Joseph. This was the second time that Joseph’s garment will be used by some persons to mislead all this on purpose. His brothers had used it earlier to deceive his father that he had died. Again it was being used to deceive Portiphar that Joseph had assaulted his wife sexually.
However, because God words with Joseph he was sent to jail rather than being executed as the Lord demanded. Portiphar may have doubted the veracity of his wife’s claim, having known the character and conduct of Joseph before the incidence.
The hand of God was clearly in the night sentence which was handed down to Joseph.
Despite being at the lowest ebb of his fortune, flung down by a lie; having lost the confidence of his master and in curing the wrath of a wicked woman, Joseph remained his good self even in prison.
The wisdom of the world cause such a man fully who read his budding career by his goodness.
Are there in the Bible says but God was with him that is a divine “but” quite different from most others. When god is with a person present will become a paradise. There are many other prisoners after Joseph whose experiences are the same. We have Paul The prisoner not of the emperor but of the lord Jesus Christ.
There was John on the island of Patmos John Bunyan in jail at Bedford George Fox in Lancaster Castle and many other believers who have been held behind bars around the world on account of their free and conviction.
I am not going to touch the story of how Joseph was delivered out of prison God cool we’ll eat for him to die there; like it was with John the Baptist. It is not the release from prison that is so glorious our best instance but the good conscience in the prison.
My conclusion
Come what May we must demonstrate and oppose the fact that right is right and seeing is seeing what does wrong can never be right and vice versa. Consequences to matter how humiliating must not deter us from good Christian conduct in our country most people are afraid of doing good because of the wrong impression that it doesn't pay but it does pay ultimately. When we are derided at and more for doing good that is the time we shall not relent our father who sees us in the secret shall reward also openly. Any work done in the fear of the Lord is not necessarily meant to prosper outwardly but if such work does not work in us the peaceable fruit of righteousness then it is prosperous in the deepest truth. We only need to have a more Christian idea of what constitutes prosperity. To the secular world Joseph was a failure but to God he was a success and spiritual giant indeed.
In the end we shall never ever regret our act of goodness though our career may be read here on Earth by doing good and let us not grow weary while doing good for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart

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