My favorite place to eat

in zzan4 years ago (edited)


One of my favorite eating places is the Nursyiah canteen at my school. This place is located in the school where I work, namely Public Senior High School 6. Lhokseumawe.Because I left home early in the morning, I didn't have time to eat. So I always eat breakfast at this place.

Salah satu tempat makan favorit saya adalah kantin kak Nursyiah di sekolah saya. Tempat ini terletak di sekolah tempat saya bekerja yaitu di SMA Negeri 6 Lhokseumawe. Karena saya berangkat dari rumah pagi -pagi sekali maka saya tidak sempat makan. Sehingga saya selalu makan pagi di tempat ini.


The foods available here are various, such as rice, noodles and cakes. I like eating here because it's cheap and tastes good too.
Besides that the seller is also very welcoming and friendly.

Makanan yang tersedia disini ada bermacam-macam seperti nasi , mie dan kue-kue. Saya suka makan disini karena harganya murah dan rasanya juga enak.
Disamping itu penjualnya juga sangat ramah dan bersahabat.


Before the corona virus pandemic and school were open I always had breakfast there every working day. But unfortunately at this time the canteen was closed because the school was closed . I often missed the food there. I hope the corona virus pandemic will pass quickly and I will be able to go back to school and enjoy breakfast in the Nursyiah canteen again.

Sebelum pandemi virus corona dan sekolah masih buka saya selalu makan pagi disana setiap hari kerja. Namun sayangnya saat ini kantin itu telah ditutup karena sekolah diliburkan.. Saya seringkali merindukan makanan disana. Semoga pandemi virus corona cepat berlalu dan saya bisa kembali masuk sekolah dan bisa menikmati sarapan pagi kantin kak Nursyiah lagi.


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