Role Model

in zzan4 years ago


They felt honoured, after seeing so many people they felt honoured
They felt that they done something good, something really good
Played leadership role, loyal role
They lead everyone loyally, they believe in loyally.

In their life they chose healthy goals, wealthy goals
Wealth which helped others too, inspired others too
Wealth is not money, they are not working for money
They know money is one part, one single part.

They are determined to build a happy life, for everyone, happy life
This dream is hard to achieve, they know its hard to achieve
But they are not backing out, they are not quitting out
They know what they have to do, how they have to do.

To become a role model is not their goal, they are a goal
Their leadership qualities made them role model, unknowingly made them role model
Now they are leading everyone, towards the right direction, leading everyone
Winning model, role model.

giphy (86).gif

"This is my original and imaginative work".

(Pictures are edited and used from the Canva application).

Chiranjeevi Sarikonda


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