Happy 74th Independence Day India

in LAKSHMI4 years ago

Today India marks it's 74th Independence Day. A day of pride in every Indian's life.
In my school days we used to have a parade and flag hoisting celebrations early morning and it would give us so much pride seeing the Indian Flag hoisted high up.

Back in India even offices celebrate this day with a lot of pompousness. Indian flag has tricolor, so we used to have the celebrations wearing clothes with tricolors i.e. Green, Saffron and White.
The Green signifies prosperity and growth, Saffron signifies strength and courage, white signifies peace and truth, and in the center of the white there is a symbol of wheel, what we call as Chakra, and it signifies the wheel of Life, it shows that there is life in movement and death in stagnation.


On 26th January India celebrates it's Republic Day, A time when the Indian constitution was brought into enforcement. Until this time India was completely under the British rule and followed all rules which were laid by the British Government. Finally on 15th August 1947 India got complete freedom from the Britishers after almost 200 years.
Our History lessons in schools were included with chapters of all the Freedom fighters of India, the most important one being Mahatma Gandhi, who is also known as the Father of the Nation. It was scary to read the stories how these people fought against Britishers so fearlessly to attain freedom. There were some incidents which would really leave one in chills, like the one of Jalianwala Baug, where there was a mass massacre. I wonder what type of fearless hearts these brave ones had to go through such a treacherous time. Hanging people, shooting them was very common.

Though in the British rule, there were some Indians who also flourished a lot. There are always 2 sides of a coin, so while some were busy fighting the battle to get India Free on the other side there were also some who were growing and establishing themselves well in different businesses and taking all the possible advantage of the Foreign ties.

This year the day is celebrated but due to the Corona chaos it has been done with a lot of restrictions. We here in Muscat do have a Flag hoisting ceremony at the Embassy, but this time, they did it with a few at the Embassy and the rest attended live on Zoom. The feeling is different but still it is an emotional moment for every Indian specially to see the Flag hoisting in a Foreign land.

As of today every Indian celebrates this day with a lot of patriotism and in true spirit and feels proud to be an Indian.

Happy Independence Day to all my Indian friends in India and across the world.

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#special day for Indian's

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