
How much SBD you want to convert?

First send SBD to exchange their it was listed like bittrex.

  1. Check with indian exchange those accept currencies like TRX, USDT etc. These currencies have less withdrawal charges. I know that Wazirx accept TRX and USDT.
  2. Then according to selected currencies, convert your SBD into TRX/USDT in bittrex.
  3. Now send converted currency to indian exchange with proper method (instruction of wallet address and memo).
  4. Now received currency convert in indian ruppes.
  5. Now put withdrawal request and get in your bank account OR tread with P2P to get rs in account.

I want to convert 12 sbd.

It is small amount because every withdrawal and treading has charges. So take care those charges before do anything.

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.24
TRX 0.11
JST 0.029
BTC 69447.18
ETH 3689.94
USDT 1.00
SBD 3.30