Delhi vs Beijing and way ahead

in LAKSHMI4 years ago (edited)

Recently due to rising tension between India and China over LAC issues near Galwan Valley have taken a sour turn, with casualties on both sides.

Reasons for growing Chinese dominance

. It's being reported by Chinese state-run media that the abrogation of Article 370 last year irked the sovereignty of not only Pakistan but China as well. (it should be noted that Kashmir is India's internal matter.)

. Kashmir, The Hunza region has been of prime importance for china for its CPEC ambitions

.China has since long followed engagement with containment policy with India. Where it economically engages with India while tries to contain India with its military shows.

. India’s rising influence among the western nations

.India becoming a member of Quad to tackle Chinese growing influence in south china sea

. India’s ties falling off with Nepal.

.India’s construction of DSDBO road along the LAC

Historical overview

. China occupies large parts of Kashmir, including Aksai Chin and parts of Ladakh and sits on the Shaksgam valley ceded to Beijing by Pakistan in 1963

.Since ages, there has been dispute over Line of Actual Control (LAC)

.China has on multiple occasions violated the Panchsheel treaty of 1954

In Recent Times

. Starting 2014, there had been a skirmish in Chumar Valley

. A major standoff took place in Doklam region in 2017

.Dalai lama issue took place in 2018

Way Forward:

.India runs a huge trade deficit with China. Which can be reduced through new Atmanirbhar programs

.India must reorient its Foreign diplomacy and revive and follow policies of NAM (non-alignment movement)

.Skipping the coming RUSIA-INDIA-CHINA summit (RIC) would give out a strong message to china

. Must try to fix broken ties with Nepal

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