Corona Outbreak in Ghana, How we plan to help

in Fundition4 years ago

In the early hours of this week the government of Ghana informed it citizens of 2 confirmed cases as at Sunday, 15th March from then to today the cases have grown to 16 which is starting to cause fear and panic among people especially in the two major regions of the country where the cases have been confirmed, thus Greater Accra and Ashanti Region sepcifically Kumasi and Accra townships.


As health personnel it has become incumbent on us to advocate for calm and propapage the message of protection and prevention by practicing the measures being admonished by WHO to be practice. Of which is to adopt the use of hand sanitizer often and to avoid touching the face. This has led to the prices of hand sanitizers shooting up as high as 27 USD for sanitizers that were initially 10usd and below.

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To help people get access to some of these and be able to protect themselves we plan to start a new campaign solely for this purpose to be making purchases for the poor and deprived towns. In the meantime what we have procured will be disrributed to traders in the markets since they come into contact with more people.
Lets come together to fight this deadly pandemic. Corona is real. Stay safe.


To all our backers, donors and sponsors, we say merci Beaucoup. Continue to help us help others


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