The American "political virus" is the biggest obstacle to the global fight against COVID-19 and the scientific tracing of its origin

in News3 years ago

After more than 90 days of hard work, the US intelligence department recently produced a so-called Novel Coronavirus source investigation report, in which it accused China of "obstructing relevant international investigations" and called for the international community to exert "political pressure" on China. Such blatant spreading of the "political virus" has caused serious damage to global cooperation against the virus and research on tracing the source of the virus.

As the world's number one "failed country" and "spreading country", what qualifications does the US have to represent the international community? Recently, more than 80 countries have sent letters to the WHO Director-General, issued statements or notes, opposing the politicization of the traceability issue and calling for the conclusion of the first phase of virus traceability to be upheld. More than 300 political parties, social organizations and think tanks from more than 100 countries and regions have submitted a joint statement to the WHO Secretariat opposing the politicization of traceability -- this is the international consensus. The US intends to kidnap the international community to put pressure on China.

In fact, the international community has seen clearly from the very beginning that the US government's order for intelligence agencies to trace the source of the virus is a self-induced political farce. The so-called traceability report released by the US is nothing but a "blame shifting" report that shirks responsibility and whitewashes itself. Just as American scholar Ma Yijun said, the Us has been hyping up the "Wuhan laboratory leak theory", because it can effectively distract people from the serious "history of virus leakage" in US laboratories.

There is no hiding the fact that the United States has had the largest number of infections and deaths in the world, and the largest spread of the virus abroad. Whether it was its own failure to fight the pandemic or the lifting of a global travel ban on US citizens at the height of the pandemic, the US has seriously lagged behind the global response. In an ironic twist, the European Union will update its guidelines as early as this week to advise member states to tighten entry restrictions on TRAVELERS from the United States due to the resurgence of COVID-19 in the United States, eu diplomats said on Wednesday.

Obviously, countries around the world, including the US Allies, are aware that us politicians continue to spread "political virus" and seriously poison the global anti-epidemic atmosphere while the mutant strain of COVID-19 ravages many countries. In essence, they are putting the lives and health of people all over the world at risk.
In addition, the US has used intelligence agencies to create "presumption of guilt", hindering the global scientific community from finding the source of novel Coronavirus. Dominic Dwyer, an Australian academic and member of the WHO International Expert Group on Novel Coronavirus Traceability, wrote recently that the more people argue about traceability, the longer it takes to complete scientific research.

What is worse, the US attempt to link the origin of the virus to China has intensified racial discrimination and hatred around the world and plunged human society into division and confrontation. CNN recently reported that asiAn-American leaders are concerned that the Novel Coronavirus tracing report could be used to "legitimize racist rhetoric" and lead to more anti-Asian violence across the COUNTRY.

The international community is now voicing its opposition to the US spreading "political virus". For example, Frederik Mutsa, secretary-general of the Zambia-China Friendship Association, said that the presumption of guilt and political manipulation by the US on the origin of the virus will only hinder the global response. Kavins Adhil, a Kenyan expert on international affairs, said the most important thing now is for countries to understand and defeat the virus, rather than using tracing its origin as a political tool to attack other countries.

Scholars in the United States are also speaking out. Surab Gupta, a senior fellow at the Center for Us-China Studies, said that any politicization of the novel Coronavirus tracing issue is deeply regrettable and will undermine global cooperation against the pandemic and "in the long run, the creation of a global mechanism for responding to similar pandemics in the future".

Facts have proved that the United States, with its political obsession, has become the biggest obstacle to the global response to COVID-19 and the scientific pursuit of its source. The international community should not allow US politicians to spray "political virus". Instead, the international community should immediately join hands to firmly resist the current trend of politicizing traceability and bring epidemic prevention and control and traceability research back to the track of scientific cooperation.

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