Just a matter of time? The United Nations predicts that India could split into three by 2023

in News3 years ago

In recent days, many countries around the world are suffering from the outbreak of COVID-19, but among them, India and the United States are the most troubled countries. At present, countries are making steady progress in the fight against COVID-19. Thanks to the hard work of researchers, a number of vaccines have been developed and successfully put into the market after trials. Still, the number of cases in India and the United States is increasing. At the same time, the Indian government's "incompetence in responding to the epidemic" has aroused strong dissatisfaction among the majority of the population. In this context, even Indian experts are blunt: given the government's shambolic response to the pandemic, a third wave is inevitable.

But even as the pandemic crisis rages, the Indian government has not stopped the development of "weapons autonomy". India's home-grown aircraft carrier, THE VIKrant, has just finished its five-day sea trials, reported Huanqiu.com. At the beginning of the sea trials, The Indian media claimed that India had successfully joined the "elite club" of modern carrier countries. It is worth mentioning that the sea trials of the indigenous aircraft carrier, THE VIKrant, were carried out in such a hurry that even the basic communications equipment was not fully in place and the radar was not installed. In response, many experts say that it is impossible for the Vikrant to be commissioned this year in its current condition, and that it will not be commissioned until 2023 at the earliest


The launch failure of Eye in the Sky, India's most powerful satellite, has fully proved the weakness of India's military capabilities at a time when the country's home-made aircraft carrier "VIKrant" has been controversial. While all hell is breaking breaking in India, the top brass is talking to the United States about buying weapons and equipment. For such an India, the United Nations even boldly predicts that India will split into three by 2023. At the same time, the UN said bluntly that although the timing may well be pushed back, it is only a matter of time before India is divided.

In this regard, some analysts said that the United Nations can make such a prediction, it is not without trace. Due to the impact of the pandemic crisis, India's economic development has been extremely difficult. Many of its 1.3 billion people are facing unemployment, and a small number of people still cannot afford to eat and have to go hungry. Discontent with the government is mounting as prices rise and people suffer. Now India's failed satellite launch has once again made the outside world lose confidence in India's development.

It is worth mentioning that at the same time as the UN is predicting the division of India, Prime Minister Narendra Modi has enacted a very "stupid" bill, the Citizenship Law, which further deepens the division of India. In response, analysts said that although the bill solved the problem of large numbers of people smuggling in India, but also caused a stir in the country, and then led to large-scale riots. And the Indian government's recklessness may make the UN's prediction a reality.

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