Code is law! Feast your eyes, UniLend Initium (Alpha) code is now live on GitHub!

in UniLend Finance4 years ago

Code is law! Feast your eyes, UniLend Initium (Alpha) code is now live on GitHub! 🔥

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🔎 After months of relentless work, we're proud to announce that the code for our Alpha, Initium, is now available on GitHub for the world to see! Anyone can now inspect our code at a moment's notice.

👨‍💻 If you aren’t aware, GitHub is the distributed version control for software. Version control is a way to save changes to code over time without overwriting previous versions. Being distributed means that every developer working with a Git repository has a copy of that entire repository.

🦾 We started our journey with the dream of bringing DeFi access to every asset on the market and here we are; now about to embark on our revolutionary march forward to change DeFi forever, with each line of code bolstering our protocol.

Stay tuned for launch details! 👀

🗣 Spread the word:

👁 View our code on GitHub here:

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