Pepo is great, but a few features I’d love to see would make the experience better.

in Yo! Bo Peep 🐑4 years ago

I’ve been using pepo for a few weeks now and I’m really liking posting there compared to something like instagram, or even appics, mainly because it’s people talking currently about crypto but also because you can buy pepo coins inside the app too, flawlessly and easy — convert them to the ‘unicorn’ (backed by OST but more of a stable coin) and you are good to go.

the easiest way to get into crypto without having to understand everything before hand about crypto — it’s just so clean and easy that the majority of people who are interested in crypto because they hear about ‘blockchain’ will give that a go, it’s more native and it feels like experiences and interfaces they already know.

Let’s make the interaction process even better.

With technology everything is an iterative process to make something better, more streamlined and bug free — enhance the user experience for more people, make the barrier to entry smaller, make the self doubt of posting and all the roadblocks that might bring fall away.

Here are a few thoughts about each menu in the app that I’d love to see improve the experience of posting with the app.


I’d really like to see the last dropdown links used (recently used links) I think this speeds up posting entry by a huge number, is this required? If so, remove that maybe, so people don’t get flustered for a link/url here.

I love the idea of maybe setting bounties for information you want someone to help you with, for instance, I want to spend X number of pepo on a number of replies around a subject — for instance, setting up a MIRA instance on steem, I’d like to be able to pay people pepo for good info.

Also longer text entry, I realise this messes with the UI a bit so maybe it’s a tap to see more and the bottom part of the interface slides up — I realise that’s a lot to ask for but maybe in here we can have videos we can link too, not sure, just a thought right now for deeper video conversations.


Activity is already pretty good but as things get busy I expect this will need the most overhaul. I’d like to know what videos pepo coins were given for, right now I have no measure of what those coins were given towards, if someone likes a video by giving coin, which one was it?

Some granular controls for muting people would be nice as well, I’m sure some people would love not to keep seeing posts in the timeline from certain people so putting people on temp mute or just put them into a activity listing of their own so you can jump in (and give them a second chance! lol) and still keep up with them regardless of it taking up your main feed of things you do want to see.

the recorder

I mean this is probably a lot of work potentially on the phone/backend but I think if you are opening up pepo to everyone then the more creative and fun you can make the app the more change you have of people coming and using it in the same way that vine was used — I expect you could have an explosion of users if you had the vine camera functionality.

For those that don’t remember vine what made it unique was the ability to press and let go of the record button, allowing you to make ‘cuts’ — or pause while you reframed or did something unique in your video clip, what made this awesome was people would create really interesting ‘supercuts’ videos that would loop and were a perfect fit between YouTube, Gifs and Cinemagraphs, it was it’s own thing (I will never understand why they shut down vine!)


This is your power play area I think if done right, geo location, events, places, venues, think foursquare style integration of conversation or messages left in spaces and people replying to those, from food reviews to venue reviews, the ability to tip venues for the great service you had — like this search area could be amazing — especially for something like conferences like SXSW where everyone will want to go and pepo with other people at different venues — search could be a lot more dynamic!

video que and scheduling (dreaming!)

Ok, so I know this is a big stretch but I’d love it if the app had some kind of native que system and scheduling features built in — like if you have no internet connection you cannot record and post later when you have internet.

that would be valuable if you at an event, also the ability to slowly post them out over time if you do for instance back to back record videos (say interviews at a conference) — let’s build in a little progress bar que so you can push these later, store on phone, push later kinda thing.

I used to have this on lots of cool apps in the past and it made interviews at conferences so much easier — I think both audioboo and qik had this feature and I know bambuser did.

To finish up, take part in the Yo! Bo Peep Daily Activations!

For instance today (Saturday) is ‘Reflection’ (use the hashtag #reflect) so you can use this to talk about, reflect on your achievements this week, mainly this is around cryptocurrency right now so maybe let’s focus on that. Feel to take part and i’ll do my best to search the hashtags and interact with you.

Thinking of doing a steem onboarding webinar thingy

It’s going to be totally free but i was thinking that maybe i could teach four people at a time using a video chat style webinar setup how to get a steem account, sign up to the pepo group here in steem communities (brand new) how to post, a little bit of markdown (the way to format your posts) and whatever questions you might have? — anyone interested in that?

Ok, I’m out!
I’ve got a Saturday to Crush!

__humble x

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