Post To Showcase My Digital Art For Makers Place

in OnChainArt4 years ago

I was looking at what was trending on Hive and came across a post talking about selling digital art on Makers Place. It works like sites like Crypto Kitties where the photo is put onto the Etherium blockchain and traded amongst other Makers Place users. I thought that to be a totally rad idea. I always thought Crypto Kitties was dumb yet I had a thought - what about distributing digital art the same way. A few years later I came upon this post by @midlet - So I decided to look into it.
It's a dream come true

I love to make digital art. Mostly collage and glitch art. I am a musician so it is a very useful skill for making cover art for the tunes I put out! I have posted my digital art creations on and now hive for many years. To earn something from not only music but from digital art would be ultimate! Here's to hoping I get accepted this time around

You have to go onto the Makers Place Discord channel to have access to a submission form. It gets reviewed and you either get accepted or don't. I noticed a user called jrdsctt and recognized him from Glitch Artists Collective from facebook. He has allot of talent and makes some wild digital arts. He sent me a link. So that is why I am making this post now. Since most of my art goes onto Hive/Steem I thought I should definitely share one of my posts with them. This is the one.

I looked up art breeder on Makers Place. Found other users upload digital art onto the platform from that site as well. Perfect! Art Breeder is where you can make a.i. generated images. I also use glitche app for iPad to make glitch art. Seen people have used that on Makers Place as well. After seeing that I thought I should give it a go and fill out the submission form.

So here are a few more of my digital creations.

If there are any tips and tricks to get onto Makers Place from people who are already accepted as creators on there let me know in case my submission does not get accepted the first time around.

Also here are some links to my music if you would like to check that out as well


Your art is always great

thanks, I am glad you have always liked it, you are a good friend

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ok, thank you!

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