Movie Talk -- 300 (2006)

in Stars3 years ago

300 is the story of the last stand of a warrior society against an indomitable opponent. The Greek city-state of Sparta, under the leadership of King Leonides, stood against Xerxes' Persian army at the pass of Thermopylae -- where they gave the Persians the fight of their lives.


A warrior's last stand is the point at which s/he has two, and only two, options left. In this case, the Spartans could fight or they could die. Against impossible odds, and under the shadow of betrayal, they did fight and they did die.

The story arc of the movie follows Leonides from his birth into a ruthless warrior culture

left to pit his wits and will against nature's fury

to his initiation, when he kills a ferocious and bloodthirsty wolf and then returns home as king. We later see him as husband, who honors and respects his wife as a mother of warriors, and a father who teaches his sons the way.

The battle scenes themselves have an awesomeness that is perchance beyond compare. The rhythms are compelling, convincing, and mesmeric in their effects. We see individual gestures of war explosively defined -- a lunging thrust of the short sword, a spear slung through the air.

The most memorable moment of this movie for me is Leonides's death cry as his body is showered with piercing arrows. The roar he unleashes resonates through the ages.

~And when the arrow finally strikes your heart, may you resound its killing blow in whatever manner of grace as befits your spirit.~

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