Zombie Adventure - Game 56 (Vaccine Failure) - Sign up here

in Stars3 years ago (edited)

In the last game, players recovered a vaccine for Covid-19 and injected themselves with it. It was an mRNA type of vaccine and something went wrong with the DNA transcription! The players all turned into zombies and now the police are after them!

The rules HAVE CHANGED, so please keep reading and familiarize yourselves with the changes.


This is sort of a board game and in its current rendition can take up to 12 players at a time. It will require daily participation. If you are interested in playing, please sign up as a reply to this post. The first 12 players to sign up get to participate. If there are less than 12 players signed up after 24 hours of this post going up, it will either begin with those players or be postponed if less than 3 sign up.


Each player will have 3 actions per turn. An action is a move of 1 space, a trade with another player in the same square, an offensive action (fighting), picking up an objective or item, a search or breaking down a door.
After all players have completed their 3 actions the police will take their turn. Police will spawn at locations marked "spawn zone" and any police already on the board will move or if in range, attack.

Officer-in-training (T) will carry a batton (bat).
Rookie officers (R) will carry a pistol.
Sergeants (S) will carry rifles.
ALL police get 3 actions per turn and will move towards noise made by the players or those in sight. All police will inflict 1 damage to players if they make a successful hit and can only fight if they are in range of a player.

  • If a player is in the same square as a police officer, they NEED NOT engage in combat and CAN run away.
  • All police can take 3 damage before they die (6 bare-handed hits).

Players can take 3 hits before they die. Players DO re-spawn if they die and they can earn back 1 life point for every 4 kills they collect but they lose items from inventory when they die.

Ranged weapons CAN be used against police in your square when there are other players in the same square.

Please pay attention to the moves that have transpired before you, so that your choices are based upon facts as they are and not as they were before (the people that played before you, just altered the situation).


  • Axe does 2 damage and can be used to open doors. If swinging at lesser enemies, the axe can chop down one enemy with 1 damage and continue through to injure a 2nd enemy with another damage point.
  • Bare hands can do only half a point of damage (so it takes 2 successful hits to kill a 1-point enemy).
  • Baseball bats (battons), pistols, rifles and crossbows do 1 damage. Pistols and crossbows have a range of 1 square. Rifles can reach 2 squares.
  • Sawed-off shotgun or scattergun: Since buckshot scatters, it would make a big hole shooting in the same square (hence 2 damage); at one space distance it loses momentum and scatters, doing less damage, but can hit 2 targets (dealing 1 damage each).
  • CZ 550 is an Elephant Rifle and can do 2 damage at a range of 1 square (or less) and 1 damage at a range of 2 squares.
  • A Molotov Cocktail kills everything in the square it is thrown into and cannot miss. It has a range of 1 square. Combining gasoline and a torch makes a Molotov Cocktail. When a Molotov is thrown, it will burn for the entire day and the following day, essentially blocking access for the rest of the day and the next day for BOTH police and players.
  • Dynamite can be tossed into an adjacent square and will kill everything in that square. It also cannot miss.
  • To determine if attacks are successful or not, do a manual roll or use my online tool. A roll of 1 to 3 is a miss. A roll of 4 to 6 is a hit.
  • Ranged weapons cannot shoot through walls. Out in the street it is possible to shoot straight lines-of-sight a distance of 2 squares, however, inside buildings, you can only shoot what you would be able to see from the doorway (1 square beyond your room). Shooting is only possible at 90 degree angles (no diagonal shots into adjacent spaces).
  • IF YOU KILL A COP, YOU MAY TAKE THEIR WEAPON but it is an action to do so.


  • Searches might uncover a sleeping police! A dice roll of 1 or 2 finds a police (then another roll determines what type of police; see spawning). A dice roll of 3-6 is a successful search and items found will be drawn randomly. my online tool performs both rolls with just one click and displays your result.
  • Searches can only be done in rooms, vehicles or dumpsters and up to 3 per player per turn. If a player has a torch, that player gets 2 random items (each additional torch carried will allow 1 additional item). Enter the number of torches you have in the text box of my online tool to recieve additional items. There is no limit to the number of times any particular area can be searched.
  • Players need not take everything they find and are free to swap items found for inventory items without using another action to do so. For instance, if I find a rifle and everyone in my team already has a ranged weapon, I would drop my x-bow or pistol and take the rifle in its place.
  • Players can carry up to 5 types of items each.
  • Picking up an object or pressing a button is NOT a search; it is a guaranteed action.


PLEASE NOTE that I will NOT be altering my tool for this one game, so when you see a zombie, please make the switch as appropriate.
Each turn will spawn new police at the spawn zones based on dice rolls as described below.
6 spawns a (hulk) Sergeant (S), 5 spawns a (runner) Rookie (R), 4 or 3 spawns a (walker) Trainee (T) and 2 or 1 spawns nothing.

Player actions

Each player will announce their intended actions in the replies to each daily post.
Tell me your player number and what you intend to do. If you are unsuccessful, you may suggest an alternate action rather than attempting a 2nd time.

For example: Player 3; move left 1; shoot at zombie in next square left; if miss, move back.
Alternatively: Player 3; move left 1; shoot at zombie in next square left; if miss, shoot again.
In both cases, player 3 made 3 actions and their turn is over.

Trading between a pair of players (must be in the same square) may include any number of items in 1 transaction but still only counts as 1 action.
Players are free to collaborate and plan their strategies; this is a cooperative game.

Additional twist: Before each player takes their daily turn, roll a D20 to see if you get any bonus. Please note that the bonus must be used during the CURRENT TURN. If you do not specify to which action you wish to apply the bonus, it will be applied to your first action where applicable.


I will update the board with new player positions and police positions for the next day's play.

The object of the game is to retrieve the antidote from the safe and inject it into your body.


Don't forget, you can promote your own posts on the #happystream !


Tagging players @halemaster, @adnanibrahim, @pbock, @agr8buzz, @erikaflynn, @aussieninja, @pandorasbox, @goose20, @paulag, @hasnain06, @foodforfun, @rayne122, @dksart, @knightofzero, @shifat, @justatouchfey, @adenijiadeshina, @andre-verbrick, @mariita52, @bashadow, @nextgen622, @zacherybinx, @cyber.explorer, @hhayweaver, @improv, @badpupper, @simplegame, @holybread, @stever82, @mannaman, @jfang003, @secret-art, to let you know that a new game is about to begin. Let me know if you want to be taken off the list.

 3 years ago 

Player 11 all revved up and ready to go.
The changes look great. It should be an exciting challenge.
It might take a while to get used to the new rules because so much is still the same we might forget the differences.

I think we will need to cooperate more and behave less like mindless zombies and more like a military squad. The first thing we need to do is take down the cop and get his weapon. All for one and one for all! I'm definitely IN.

Player 10 ready :)

 3 years ago 

Excellent! You have been a very loyal follower of the games and I have been using your art for a long time. Thank-you so much!

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