[Poem] Xmas

Image by Pexels from Pixabay

In frosted panes, a world transformed,
Where snowflakes dance in silent ballet.
The air is crisp, with crystals warmed,
By golden embers' gentle sway.

A star aglow, a beacon bright,
Hangs o'er the rooftops, stark and steep.
A silent promise, pure and white,
As slumbering houses dream in sleep.

Within, a hush, a cozy glow,
From candles lit and logs aflame.
And stockings wait, in hopeful row,
For whispers of a whispered name.

Then morning breaks, a frosted kiss,
And laughter spills, like sugared snow.
With eager hands, and joyous bliss,
The treasures gleam, in softest glow.

But dearest gifts, of all that shine,
Are hearts entwined, in love's embrace.
For Christmas magic, soft and fine,
Finds joy in every smiling face.

So let the carols fill the air,
With tidings good, for all to hear.
May love and peace, beyond compare,
Crown every heart, this Christmas year.

And as the lights begin to fade,
And stars wink bright, in winter's sleep,
May dreams of wonder gently braid,
With memories, we'll forever keep.

For Christmas is a time to share,
The warmest wishes, and the best.
A gentle light, in frosty air,
A whispered prayer, for lasting rest.


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