Cats and their face, the face of a cat can reveal their personalities?

in Cat Photos4 years ago



Some theories and studies says that the firm of the face of the cat is correlated to the animal's personality and attitude. Is this true?
The major expert in this field is Arden Moore, he wrote a book named "it Cat: Tips & Tricks to Give Your Pet a Longer, Healthier, Happier".



In his book he talk about the geometry of the cat, a specific research about some common points between the form of a cat face and his /her personality.
It's interesting because it seems to open a eye in the mystery of the cat soul.
Cats are very fascinating creatures and are hard to understand.


A face like a full moon, round, full, big seems correlated to a calm and quiet personality, a little bit lazy and sleepy, shy and extremely loyal . Perfect for a similar owner, someone calm and not stressed who need a loyal cat. The love children too and the life in the house, like a sofa and netflix cat. Perfect for the families too.


The triangular face is less calm and domestic, is more indipendent. Are very dominant and curious, they usually love visit different places and stay by their own. They love action and don't like stay calm in just one place. Perfect for an active owner!!


A square face need many attention and cuddles, like a queen or a king, they want be the owner of the house and be served. Are very indipendent but sometimes love the company of some special people. They like being adored and loved..
Can be aggressive if are in a bad mood.

Do you think the cat geometry is right? I still look at my cat face for understand which one he is, probably the triangular.

And it's OK with description.

What kind of face have your cat?


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