Few facts about Parasite movie that non Korean can not notice

in DIGITAL MINE4 years ago

Today I will share with you some interesting facts about the plot of the film "Parasites" by South Korean director Pong Joon Ho, which has already been watched by more than 8 million people.


Why does the Ki Tek family use the same character in the name? (In Korea, they traditionally use one common character in their names only between brothers).

The head of the family is Ki Taek (Song Gang Ho), the son is Ki Wu (Choi U Sik), and the daughter is Ki Jung (Pak So Dam). As you already noticed, in each name there is a so-called “tolimcha”, the same character in the name, “Ki”. According to the director of the film, "Ki" was borrowed from the name of the film "Parasites": in Korean it is called "Kisenchhun." The name of Ki Tek's wife - Chun Suk (Chan Hae Jin) - was also taken from the name of the film.

The meaning of bells at the beginning of the film

Six bell rings at the beginning of the movie are used to check the sound system in the movie theater for a more comfortable viewing experience.

What kind of song did Ki Jung sing before an interview at Ton Ika?

The scene at the entrance to Ton Ika’s house, in which Ki Jung sings a song, was of particular interest during the screening of the film at the Cannes Film Festival. "Jessica, the only daughter in the family, Illinois, Chicago, senior institute associate Kim Jin Mo, he is your cousin." So, Ki Jong learned her legend by singing a melody from the famous Korean song “Dokdo is our land”.

The meaning of the characters from the Morse code that Ta Song draws?

Ta Son, the son of the owner of the house, Ton Ika, looking at the blinking light in the room, writes signs from the Morse code. These signs are deciphered as "holp" (incorrect spelling of the verb "help").

Who is Namgun Hyun Ja?

The name of the character Namgun Hyun Ja is mentioned in the film. This is the architect who built the house in which the Ton Ika family lives, and the man who hired the staff of Moon Gwan. An interesting fact: the hero from another film directed by Pong Joon Ho “Through the Snow” also has the surname Namgun. His name was Namgun Min Soo. When asked why this surname is used so often, the director jokingly answered: “Among my classmates there was a boy named Namgun Ming. He was pretty, handsome. I was so envious of him. "

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