Been awhile since we went to the zoo

in Photo2 years ago

OK so it has been a longggg time since I have been to the zoo and when longer since I posted some photos. We decided to sign up for a zoo membership so after 3 visits it will pay for itself !

OK so didn't take alot of photos but wanted to share my highlights, hope you enjoy!

OK let's start with thr highlight, a butterfly landed on my and I got to snap this great shot!


OK then of course we can't miss out on the gorillas! We where really lucky they were being super active so got to see them being super active and even playing with thier kids!


The elphants are moving soon to a new exhibit at an old range zoo for more space but for now they are still here, even if they are being a bit evasive


And talking about evasive enamels the hippo wanted to hid to, only poking out of the water just as we were about to go


Then we saw the reptiles , the turtles are surprisingly fast and the lizards real lazy



And finally to top and tail it some colorful macaws!


Of course all photos are my own, shot in a Samsung phone !

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