CONTEST: 🌲Planting trees saves the environment🌲 TREE PLANTING COMPETITION 🌲 WEEK#03. My Submission @shopon700 (31.05.2021)

in Steemit City3 years ago (edited)

Assalamu Alaikum.

Hello friends, I am @shopon700 from Bangladesh.Today I am going to participate Planting trees saves the environment🌲 TREE PLANTING COMPETITION in The Steemit City Community.I hope you all support me.

Tree Planting: Guava Tree.

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Guava is one of my favorite fruits.Guava fruit is loved by almost everyone.Guava fruit is rich in iron and vitamins.The nutritional value of guava fruit helps in increasing the body's immunity.Ripe guava is as beautiful to eat as it is delicious to eat.We should plant more and more trees to maintain the balance of the environment.If we plant more and more fruit trees then on the one hand we will get nutritious fruits and on the other hand the balance of the environment will be maintained.

Planting method:


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I first chose a clean place to plant this guava tree. Where sunlight and wind will help the tree to grow. I then dug a hole about 1 foot deep and 1 foot wide.



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After digging the hole, I took the same organic manure.This organic manure will help the plant to grow.The role of organic fertilizer for planting any sapling is immense.


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This time I have prepared the soil by mixing these organic fertilizers well with the soil in the hole.When the soil is ready I decided to plant this guava sapling.



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Then I very carefully cut the polythene packet from the guava sapling by the belt and very slowly tried to separate the tree from the packet.I took great care so that the soil at the base of the tree would not break in any way.Eventually I was able to carefully separate the polythene packets from the guava seedlings.



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This time I straightened the tree and lowered it into the hole.Then I put soil around the base of the tree and pressed the soil around the base of the tree with a piece of wood.If the soil is not well pressed, rainwater will reach the roots of the tree and the roots and roots of the tree will rot and the tree will die.When the hole was made again after pressing the soil with the stick at the base of the tree, I filled it again with soil at the base of the tree.




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The soil around this guava tree is well leveled and raised at the base of the tree so that water does not accumulate at the base. Then I lightly soaked the soil at the base of the tree with water. Now it can be said that the planting of guava saplings has reached the final stage.


Thanks Everyone.

Specially Thanks @sabbirrr to arrange this contest.

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