Weekly Challenge on Steem! Pet Art / Photography || Week #06 - Submissions post ||Our Little Bundle of Joy||

in Steemit City3 years ago (edited)

Good day to all steemians out there. Hope you have a wonderful and blessed day ahead! Today I'm gonna do my entry for @msharif contest which is Pet Art/ Photography Contest. Thank you so much for making great contest that will show you and know how to value your pets.

Pets are like human too they need extra love and care.

Since my childhood days I'm really fond in taking care of dogs as I really find them so cute and adorable and it's as if they know what's in our mind when they sees us. Our little dog is a stray dog, the owner has to give them away because they're growing rapidly and she can't support to give foods and shelter that they need.
Since we love dogs especially my children has a kind and warm heart to pets like dog they really treat it as the youngest member of the family. They make it their new baby an addition to the family.
Our little bundle of joy has been our happiness since he came in.


My children are very happy when Bongki came in to us, he is everybody's favourite especially he is too cute to handle. He often barks and smell you everytime as if he familiarize every person that cuddles him. My 2nd child takes him to bath and feed him like a usual person eat he even asked me to buy a milk for bongki because he was separated earlier than it used to be supposedly, he still lactating when he was given to us. But because of our lovingly care he was able to cope up from the harsh thing that happened to him it's not easy to be separated by your mom after giving birth same with the mother itself but because we gave him ample love and tender care so he easily adapt to his new environment.


I have attached a short video that shows how playful our little bongki is. He is barking my Kuya Eyron (2nd child) because he wants to play but my son refuses to play with him as if he doesn't saw him. That"s why in the video he keeps on barking and barking.



The two photos show how peacefully he sleeps when he's beside us, the first picture is when I went home so late from work because of heavy rains and he was really embracing and kissing me so hard as if he misses me for not seeing the whole day. So I snuggle and cuddle him and put him to sleep.

These picture is with my 2nd child Kuya Eyron is actually watching a television when Bongki laid asleep in his lap they really look so cute together they have a good tandem together.


Since the first time we met him (bongki) we feel in love with him already not because of his physical attributes but because he is really a good dog a home dog to be exact, he just stays at home and follow what we often say that he should not go out because he can catch some colds or flu out there because there's a lot of stray dog outside so we're worried because he might be sick but because he is a good dog he follows what we say. He only goes out when we stroll together with the whole gang.

Dogs are man's best friend that's really true, dogs won't betray or deny you they will give their full loyalty, companionship and their unconditional love until their last breath so we should take good care and give them the love that they really need because like humans dogs are sensible too and like humans they need true love and affection.

That would be all for today. Thank you so much for always.

LALAH @jenny018😍



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