Capturing the Old Style Memory from the vintage style of Jameun Kupi cafesteemCreated with Sketch.

in Steemit City3 years ago

Dear Steemian,

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I always love to have best moment with friends and family in the weekend, I usually traveling out from my home town to reach the reachable place out from my home town, I Usually visited Bireun Regency which situated next to my home town to west area, the reaching time that needed to arrived it is about two hour in maximum it is depend on the traffic condition on that day. I also loved to gather the information through social media to find recommended or the newest place for hang out with friends or family during weekend.

I am scrolling down the feed of my social media account and found the most destination of cafe that happening at the instagram, this cafe named Jameun Kupi " Vintage Style coffee shop " I tried to observed and looking for the photo that posted by the people that have been visited the cafe, it is amaze me when seeing the old style of cafe with old style of food and beverage that served.

Last Week end, I decide to visited the Jameen Kupi to have the old style memory, I take my family to this destination cafe that most talk by people at social media. due to week end I spend two hour to reach the cafe it is because the crowded traffic.

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the old motorcycle registration plate choose as the art of wall decoration

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spending weekend with family is the best moment to have, and searching for the new place to hang out also bring the excitement to all of us.

Best Regard




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