CONTEST: share your best food Photography // Homemade Pizza (with a Twist) // Venezuela // English

in Steemit City3 years ago




Homemade pizzas. The round one was made adding oat to the dough, the squared one was made with traditional dough

This weekend we made some Pizza at home. At some point a cousin suggested we should try to add some oat to the dough and... why not? the round one was made with this little twist and the other one had the common pizza dough.

For our surprise it was good! so now we'll prepare our pizzas based on this (at least for us) new recipe.

I prepared my special pizza sauce with garlic, olive oil, pepper, parsley and pepperoncini, and of course half fresh and half dried tomatoes. We assembled each pizza with traditional mozzarella, prosciutto, onions and red peppers as you may see in the pics.

Try to imagine the aroma while our pizzas were in the oven...

I took these pics at my cousin's home with my cellular camera, everything was on auto except ISO, i set it at 300.


Big pizza, delicious food. Thank for sharing

Thanks to you! regards!

Thanks for sharing this food with us

You're welcome Naimuu...

Que bueno una rica pizza hecha en casa.!

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