Walnut: Enabling DAOs to Create Decentralized Staking Applications like Peanut as Easy as Creating Trading Pairs on Uniswap

in NutBox3 years ago

In the Peanut phase, Nutbox had created a decentralized staking community. In the Walnut phase, the mission of Nutbox is to make decentralized staking applications such as Peanut reproducible in the community, not just on Steem chain, but any PoS chain community can create decentralized staking applications similar to Peanut.

Support Multiple PoS Chains

Centralized staking service providers generally support staking assets of multiple PoS chains, while Peanut currently only supports the staking asset of STEEM POWER on Steem chain. In the Walnut phase, Nutbox will support more PoS chains and develop into a multi-asset staking DAO operating system. In the future, Nutbox will not only support PoS chain staking assets, but may also support protocol staking assets (such as SUSHI) and NFT assets.


Uniswap-style Decentralized Staking Platform

Uniswap allows anyone to create a trading pair for ERC20 Tokens and start decentralized trading, which promotes the development of DeFi. In the Walnut phase, Nutbox also hopes that anyone can create a decentralized staking community similar to Peanut on Nutbox.

Nutbox at the Walnut stage supports three types of staking: 1) delegation of the rights to use of staked assets; 2) staked asset holders voting for validator; 3) similar to Polkadot Crowdloan. The Nutbox Crowd-Staking protocol allows anyone to create a decentralized staking application, use community tokens or alternatives to reward community members for these three types of staking actions, and open up the community's staking economy.

Changes Brought Forth

Changing the Market Structure of Centralized Staking Service Providers

Just like the changes that Uniswap has brought to centralized exchanges, the one-click creation of decentralized staking community brought by Nutbox in the Walnut stage will change the structure of the existing staking economy markets amounting to hundreds of billions of dollars monopolized by centralized staking service providers.

The Greater Development of “Staking+” Applications

Nutbox in the Walnut phase allows anyone to create a decentralized staking community, which greatly reduces the cost of technology development for various PoS mining pools or PoC mining pools with a staking mechanism. At the same time, on the basis of the decentralized staking module combined with DeFi, various types of community DeFi can be created. Or, combined with the staking asset liquidity protocol of Bifrost, Ankr, and Stafi, a "Staking + DeFi" application can be created. Applications based on "Staking+" may usher in greater development in the field.

Activating Community Staking Economy

Unlike previous centralized staking service providers that return original assets to users (for example, users will receive DOT by voting for Polkadot validators), the decentralized staking community will reward the users with community Token, and the income of staking assets (up to tens of billions of dollars per year) will be donated to the community DAO fund as a contribution to the community. This may activate the community staking economy and inject new blood into various decentralized autonomous organizations.

Translated from: Walnut: 让DAO创建类似Peanut一样的去中心化质押应用,像Uniswap上创建交易对一样简单。


About Nutbox

Nutbox is a one-stop DAO factory for the community, providing non-technical founders with a series of tools (Crowd-staking, DApp factory, and DAO governance factory) to facilitate the creation of their own DAO platform.

For more information, please visit https://nutbox.io

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