The Diarygame || Visit to Capsicum field|| 26-04-2021

I hope you all are well. Today I will share with you the pictures of capsicum. It is the most cultivated crop in our area. This vegetable is the most used in our area. Is the most widely read vegetable and people in our area eat it with great relish but I do not eat


There are seeds of different colors. If you use red, you will get only colored fruit. If you use Malta colored seeds, you will get the same kind of fruit. There are three or four varieties. Farmers need a lot of hard work. Workers work day and night. As soon as these fruits are ready to ripen, they are cleaned in various ways and kept away from insects and various kinds of earthworms.


It is kept until it is ready, then it is taken off and it is packed in different cases and it is disgraced in the public market. Ehsan gentlemen sell it there and make various profits Move inside his pocket. It is planted on the cutwood which is also a source of beauty and is very useful for food.


First the seed of this vegetable is sown then the plant comes out of it then it is watered then this plant grows Cucumbers that look like vegetables are sent for sale in Cobra Gazers where people buy them and use them for home cooking۔
It is usually cultivated in the plains where the soil is soft due to its hills.


This pepper plant is used for beauty in homes. If it is planted in their house, it gives a very good fragrance and also impresses the people who come to the house. The leaves of this plant are also used to treat many ailments. If I pay, if we use these medicines, they are very beneficial and very useful for the treatment of diseases. What is more important is that in order to plant this plant, first the soil is softened, water is added to it and then a page is made. This message is also used as a salad if mischief is made.


It is not cultivated because the soil is hard and its root cannot reach the depths of the soil and does not absorb water from the soil. In addition to this, its bouquets are also made and placed in Akbar etc. so that it also enhances the beauty of the graves. It has different colors. It is available in different colors.


I hope you like my post.



Your post is very good and I have also liked it. These vegetables are also very much used in our food.

Your post is very good and it has also come to me which is kind of fruits from me, and vegetables.

@allen.fakeer your post is very informative. Capsicum vegetable is useful for cooking.

Your post about the capsicum fields is very nice and informative. I like your idea and photography very much. Keep it up.

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