"Steemit Engagement Challenge S9-W1: Dream Couple”steemCreated with Sketch.


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Hello everyone, it's yet another beautiful week of the engagement challenge contest, and I'm so delighted to kick up the season 9 week 1 contest here in this Noble community about the theme "Dream Couple”.

It has always been everyone's dream to see God give them good couples which they will love for the rest of their life with and myself I'm not an exception of that because each day in my prayers I always hope and pray that God should join with a partner that we will understand our self and live happily forever.

Before I go ahead to answer the following questions below, I will love to invite @simonnwigwe @mjerry @josepha, and @juceo to come and take part in this lovely contest.

Is your current partner your choice and ideal partner? How did you struggle to get it? Tell us about your heroic struggle.


While, for now, the partner I'm together with is my choice also my ideal partner, but as humans we can only pray and hope for the best because our creator is the only one that has the finals say in our relationship, meeting him was one of the best things that I had to happen to me and I can't love him less.

Getting him was not hard because in Nigeria men approach women first so when he asked me out, I decided to take my time to find out some things about him before I accept to date him. There was no struggle at all. Everything happens so fast because of the feelings we hard for each other.

In every relationship, there are good and bad times but what matters the most is that when the two understand them self then there won't be much heroic struggle.

What are the obstacles you faced when you wanted to get married, or why haven't you gotten married yet?

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I am not married yet because I believe it is not yet time for me to do that. When the time comes I will surely get married to my partner if that's the will of God. Also, I don't want to be a liability to my future husband I have to find something to do as well so that when we are married I will also support him in one way or the other.

Marriage is something that one has to take time to pray about before going into it because it's not how far but how well it will be after the marriage. So I believe God's time is the best.

What are the criteria for your ideal partner?

The criteria for my ideal partner are numerous but I will outline the most important ones;

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Openness: I need a partner who will open up to me no matter the situation not a partner that will only be interested in changing his Self limiting behavior without giving me listing ears on what I have to say. I need a partner who will be honest with me.

Trust and honesty: I need a partner who will trust me and also believe in me not what others say about me. I need a man who will tell me what is in his mind than keeping it to himself, if I'm wrong let me be corrected but maturely not harshly, or using intuitive words.

Respectful: I need a partner who will respect me and accept me just the way I am. I know I am a woman but we also deserve some respect from our partners as well. It is said when you respect yourself others will also respect you so I will love my partner to respect me and some of my decision.

Empathetic: This is one of the most important parts of a relationship because it's the strangeness of any relationship. A very empathetic partner will build good communication in a relationship or marriage. I need a partner who will always notice his mistake and try to make amide when he is wrong.

funny: I need a partner who I can play with at all times, not a partner that will be too bossy and won't allow me to play with him. I need something who I will be free, someone I can talk without any fear.

Above all, I need a man who will love me just the way I am and stop comparing me with other women.

Do you prioritize beauty or comfort in communication? Why?

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While, having a good-looking man is every woman's dream but for me communication matters a lot because when there is no good communication between two partners, that relationship will not work. Also when there is good communication, understanding each other will be easier because everyone was born differently and for a healthy relationship the two partners have to understand themself well so that they will avoid unnecessary conflict that will cause regrets in the relationship or marriage.

Furthermore, communication is the key to every relationship because it's one of the most important factors that will make one build a healthy relationship/ marriage.

What is your measure of happiness when you get married?

Marrying someone that we understand ourselves will be my measure of happiness in marriage because when there is understanding everything will blend well. A healthy married is what I always wish for and I wish it work out the way planned, even though I'm just a human before but I believe with everything is possible.

What do you think about early marriage or older marriage?

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Hmmm, to me I don't see anything wrong with early married provided the two partners love themselves and they capital to take care of their children when they give birth. Something it's good to marry early so that you will grow old with your children, not that one will be 40 years and his child is 10 or 12 years. Both the parent and the children will not have quality time to spend with each other. So to me, early marriage is well provided for the two partners and ready to marry without any form of pressure or force from the parents.


In conclusion, having a good partner is everyone's dream even though all partners are not perfect but to some extent we can make our partners be who we want them to be if there is love, affection, and understanding.

Thank you...

 last year 

Good to know about your partner whom you want to choose as your partner for lifetime and to meet the wish of your dream couple. You are right that every time fix in our life and if we talk about the marriage then it is already decided by the God and the person is also already chosen by the word but we have to be patience and to wait for the real time because no one knows more than the gold that what is real time for anything including a marriage.

I just want to say to you that a good life partner is a big blessing of Allah and we cannot deny this big blessing because a good life partner changes your lifestyle and your behaviour also completely and gives you a new life full of happiness enjoy and I also have these all wishes for you that may you get all these wishes with your partner that you still have but you not get married with him but I wish that you may get marry soon.

I also agree with your choices that we are women and we need love care respect and all the things that we deserve and its a rule that if you do good with someone then he or she should also return the same thing to you so I think in a relationship this things should also be implemented and your partner should care you as you cares your partner.

Thanks for participation


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Thank you for your committed efforts, we urge you to do more and keep posting high quality participation.

 last year 

Thanks @adeljose

 last year 

Thank you very much for your wishes and prayer i'm so grateful with all the contribution you made.

Best regards ma'am❤

 last year 

Nothing is sweeter to human-being than having the rightful partner by your side who is always to know about your feeling. Indeed, love is sweet and I wish to have a good partner as you have gotten yours. Thanks for the invitation and God bless you and your partner.

 last year 

You are right sir, love is sweet when you are with the one after your head. Worry less sir, soon God will give you that person your heart desires and you will be loved.

Best regards.

 last year 

You have written well in this topic my dear friend, indeed no woman wants a man who will always compare her to another woman. I believe every woman is unique and should be seen as such. I wish you success in this contest.

 last year 

Sure every woman is unique in her own way. Thank you for your kind comments i appreciate.

 last year 

Your face and your partner are very similar. According to research, the two of you will be a well-matched couple, happy into old age. I hope so.

 last year 

😁😁🙈 thank you very much sir, your comment is highly appreciated.

 last year 

Your welcome...

 last year 

আপনার কষ্টের বিভিন্ন অংশে আমি আপনার সাথে একমত এতে কোন দ্বিধা দ্বন্দ্ব নেই.দেখুন প্রত্যেকটি মানুষের ইচ্ছা তার স্বপ্নের রাজকুমার বা রাজকুমারী তার মনের মত হবে. এটি বাস্তব এবং সত্য কথা. প্রত্যেকটি মানুষের চাওয়া পাওয়া তার শহরধর্মিনী বা সহধর্মী তাকে অনেক ভালবাসবে এবং সুখে রাখবে. ধন্যবাদ আপনাকে অনেক সুন্দর ভাবে উপস্থাপন করেছেন আপনার জন্য শুভকামনা রইল. এটি অত্যন্ত সাধারণ একটি ব্যাপার যে তার মনের মানুষ তাকে অনেক ভালবাসবে সুখে রাখবে.

 last year 

You have said it all sir, thank you fir your valuable contribution i'm grateful.

 last year 

pasangan yang saling mempercayai satu sama lain. Mereka tidak pernah meragukan niat atau motivasi pasangan

 last year 

Muy bien definida tu personalidad en cuanto a la relación ideal en pareja. Tus opiniones y anhelos te sean concedidos amiga. Éxitos

 last year 

Thank you very much ma'am fir your best wishes. I'm grateful.❤

Your post is very good and instresting, don't worry when is the right time God will provide a good friend for to call husband.

 last year 

Sure dear, God time is always the best. Thank you for your kind comments.

 last year 

Nice one 👍 your choice of criteria is highly needed cause without what you mentioned you both will have issues, as for getting married, your decision is a good one personally I don't like requesting everything from my hubby is good to also have your own means of financial income to support your house.

But while searching for a job plan to get married to your loved partner as it will also help you to locate your job soon marriage comes with a blessing.

I wish you success in your choice 😘😘

I wish you success in your contest entry 😊😊

 last year 

Thank you very much for your contribution ma'am your words are so touching.

Best regards ❤🥰

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