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RE: South Africans are left in the dark!


Of course, we are most likely to experience such, increasing, problems on our own doorstep: but logically, it looks like this all over the world! On the one hand, we have the need to reduce our emissions, to act more sustainably. On the other hand, we want to achieve this with more and more energy-guzzling digitalisation, automation and networking. This cat bites its own tail! The way out, individual and decentralised supply, self-sufficiency (wherever it is possible), is blocked by legal as well as political sides: too much independence is not wanted!

Natürlich bekommen wir solche, zunehmenden, Probleme am ehesten vor unserer eigenen Haustür mit: aber logischerweise sieht es überall auf der Welt so aus! Wir haben auf der einen Seite die Notwendigkeit, unsere Emissionen einzusparen, nachhaltiger zu agieren. Auf der anderen Seite wollen wir das mit immer mehr energiefressender Digitalisierung, Automatisierung und Vernetzung erreichen. Diese Katze beißt sich in den eigenen Schwanz! Der Ausweg, individuelle und dezentrale Versorgung, Autarkie (wo immer sie möglich ist), wird von juristischer wie auch politischer Seite blockiert: zu viel Unabhängigkeit ist nicht gewollt!

 2 years ago 

The way out, individual and decentralized supply, self-sufficiency (wherever it is possible), is blocked by legal as well as political sides: too much independence is not wanted!

So true! Also blocked by corruption in South Africa

 2 years ago 

Sometimes it seems to be the "better" South Africa here in Germany... We have corruption. We have law bending. And we also have something called "cadre obedience": we follow orders from above because that's the way it's done. This makes change really difficult...

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