#CLUB100 - Betterlife The Diary-Game [ Tuesday March 01th, 2022 ] -  Village Facilitator & Village Featured Products And I Share The Steemit Platform To Friends Of Village Local Companions


HighlghtBiru Oranye Selamat Hari Guru Instagram Post.jpg>>Village Assistant & VILLAGE FEATURES (I edited using the Canva app)


Hi Steemian friends good night, I pray that we are all always in good health

This morning I went to the gas station to fill up Rp. 110,000, - as much as 14,379 Liters (1 liter costs Rp 7650, -). I traveled from Lhokseumawe to East Aceh by driving a car with an average speed of 60 KM/hour. I had to drive the car carefully because the conditions along the asphalt road across the district were wet and sometimes the shoulder of the road had puddles of water because it was raining. I felt when the tires of the car passed through the puddle it was like the steering wheel swerved to the left so my hands had to be strong to hold the steering wheel when passing through the puddle on the shoulder of the road.


120220301_145201.jpg>>The assistant from Idi Tunong sub-district is completing his work contract

220220301_145014.jpg>>I had a casual discussion with the village assistant

320220301_145033.jpg>>I took a photo with the assistant of the Rantau Peureulak sub-district

Village Assistant

When I arrived at Cotta Kopi, I immediately chose the inner seat to mingle with the village assistants and the local village assistants. Here we gather in order to sign the work contract which contains :

  1. The first party who provides the work
  2. The second party of professional assistants
  3. Articles of regulations that are binding and explain in detail the work ties that must be completed and the amount of honorarium given after the obligation is carried out


120220301_145337.jpg>>I took a photo with Wiwik, Mahfud and other companions from Indramakmue sub-district

220220301_161606.jpg>>I am with mahfut to him sharing the Steemit platform

I'm also doing a Steemit Promotion

I take this time to promote the Steemit platform by inviting Wiwik and Mahfud to join. I also explained that by using the Steemit platform we can write about the success of the village fund program companions that we did from when :

  1. When we facilitate village deliberations
  2. When we monitor and supervise development from village funds
  3. Assist groups of economic business units in rural areas
  4. Community capacity building
  5. Empowerment of rural communities
  6. Assistance for integrated service posts (posyandu) in providing health services to mothers and toddlers (five-year-old babies) in the village
  7. Various other interesting activities that were successful from the village fund program are a good example


620220301_154224.jpg>>Garden produce that is processed into sale bananas in plastic packaging

720220301_153841.jpg>>The results of the big guava harvest

Village Featured Products

The potential in the village with its natural resources is based on the typology of the region to develop its superior product. The fertile land is suitable for the cultivation of guava and bananas of various types. The processing of an abundant banana harvest can be made into innovation, one of which is banana sale. I was able to buy garden produce in the form of guava bali which is very large in size with properties that I know for medicine if you have heart disease, it is very good to consume this thick-skinned fruit. Wet sale bananas packaged in plastic have a sweet taste like mixed with brown sugar or cane sugar, the processing is very creative, these bananas are perfect for shopping gifts to take home. I recommend that if you are interested in buying, you can go to the Lhoknibong location along the road, there are many stalls selling banana sale and guava bali


816461399160363340132938374611408.jpg>>Rice with free-range chicken, the dinner menu that I ordered


After sunset, I and Al-Fadhir go to the nearest food stall. I ordered the white rice menu with a side dish of chicken penyet which tastes delicious.




Friendship greetings from my new Steemian to: Leader, Manager, Admin and STEEM FOR BETTERLIFE Mod
Special greetings to all my Steemian friends

That's what I wrote today and I hope it's useful

About me 👉@waterjoe




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