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RE: Contest | 25-Word-Comment - Monkey Business | A Picture + Comment - 6 Steem


I don't think those in the 90s have a great future ahead. It is hard for them to get a job. Many are jobless since they left the university and have loans to pay off. It sounds as if lately employers are more willing to hire everyone. Before they easily said: you are too high educated for this job. I heard it myself many times and the end of the story is you are jobless and can see how to find money to pay all those bills and taxes.


At Quora, an italian quoran explained the reason: as working rights and security constitute high expenses for companies, they prefer by far to hire youngsters having no idea and accepting whatever kind of slavery. So avoiding experienced middle-aged and young adults owning a degree, because they know how to move to convict the company in a trial. Better a youngster only owning a High School degree (they would prefer even youngster only owning the primary school certificate, but they can't cause lack of skills in this latter case): he/she won't cause trouble to the company when enslaved cause lack of knowledge (and this is the main reason why a law degree is one of the worst in Italy to get hired by a company). On the other hand, not all companies should be blamed, less than the multinational and the big sized in general. Small and medium-sized companies really can't afford to hire high educated adults cause shameful bureaucracy and amount of taxes, especially in the southern European countries governed by the left (pseudo-communists).

Ps.: in any way, I'm still a fan of university degrees (in any way, whenever is possible to not completely abdicate from one's interests and abilities, it would be better to prefer marketable university courses: for ex., Economy is very much more marketable than Philosophy, at least in Italy or Spain). If not in your country, whenever is possible, it's only owning a degree that lets to pursue a better life in a fair country. It's very difficult to migrate for a job abroad (not to talk to participate to public supranational competition) if an university degree lacks, very worse if a High School degree lacks, only owning a primary school certificate...

 3 months ago (edited)

With us they ask now: high educated, years of labour experiences and the age of 16 (cheap) 😐

So if you have a CV from your former lives better take them along. Not that interviews still exist. Applying via internet, filling out a form is normal and next a bot says if you match. Even signing a contract is done online in your personal account.

High educated at only 16?😐😐😐😐Human resources in the companies became mad like a hatter: who does count on years of labour experience at 16? Who does finish university and postgrad at that age?😂😂😂😂
The bot substituting interviewers carries in any way the advantage it can't be influenced by politicians' references (in my former country, big companies' hiring was influenced by politicians trying to settle their families members).

 3 months ago (edited)

Interesting isn't it? It's what we call "voor een dubbeltje op de eerste rij zitten"

Taking seat at row 1 (theater) for 10 cents

No one is interested in postgrad, the more you know, the more likely there's no work experience and brains like that can't be molded.

Of course the bot is set what benefits the employer most which is not paying taxes to the government, labour for free, close to slavery.
It's what my youngest experiences right now and with her some classmates as well.

Labour for free was the worst nuisance and nightmare in Italy among the majority of Italian trainees. Trainee periods were intended to be for free by law and the companies and professional environments (lawyers and psychologists first of all, but architects, accountants, etc. surely benefitted by that questionable rule) had their personal slaves during decades (that law authorizing companies and professional to not pay a single cent to trainees became illegal in 2020, if I don't mistake). During the times of my first degree, thanks God I was one of the few trainees paid despite that questionable ancient law. I can't imagine a trainee of my age who couldn't count on family support having to work for free only because he/she was a simple trainee.

 3 months ago 

Everyone benefits and for free still exist if you are lucky they pay your traveling costs.

Yes, right, that's what trainee can expect if they are lucky. The worst happened to a colleague of mine: the secretary of her dominuses (the owners of the law bureau) required she should use a credit card to pay for the stuff to start trials. In few words, the trainee was pushed to pay for the legal expenses of the bureau. What a stunt: a jobless trainee still forced to live with her mother despite her 30 and more years old facing the mockery to almost get forced to ask for a credit card to her mother or father (or sister) to pay for someone else's bureau expenses. In another occasion, the lawyers asked her to go to a city at 100KM or more, obviously at her expenses, to get a CD-ROM they had forget at the computer maintenance. Perfectly knowing my friend, in addition, hasn't a driver's license. Well, she couldn't help but refuse. But the moral of the story, at their turn, a lot of lawyers in her city are 100% supported by their parents because most of clients don't pay them for their legal services, so they can't pay for the rent and the bills of their bureau. It's like a cat chasing its tail...

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