Board Games

in STEEM FOR BETTERLIFE2 months ago (edited)

Board games, do people still play them? I mean, it's a game you play on a board not online that's the whole idea of it. We no longer play board games, we might once it's December 5th.
At a certain point, it's over. It's something from my childhood and as my children were very young we did. Today all they do is wake up early, travel to school, arrive back home, do homework and back to bed. Even weekends are filled with home(school) work. I wonder what they do at school but also why they do not have holidays. The average employer has a few weeks per year my children have zero (holidays and vacations are for school, studying or working at a company for school).


One daughter and son taught themselves how to play chess plus both games (the daughter is a prof) and my son (and I) do Sudoku plus to relax I do crossword puzzles.

If on vacation we took a travel Scrabble board game along, next to Sudoku. Both good for shutting out whatever (or whoever) surrounds us.

The oldest "Dutch" board game is 'Ganzenbord' and it is one of the games I like most it's just not what one plays alone. It seems it existed in the 16th century (origin Italy?, a gambling game at first, next a children's game?). If it comes to it I wouldn't play any board game solo. It's not the idea of board games.


The Ganzenbord (geese board) on the picture is old and not the one from my childhood which had nice sculptured geese. It's an easy game, as many eyes you throw as many steps you can take. If you end up in the well or prison you wait till someone comes to your rescue (takes your place).


Mens erger je niet (Human don't be annoyed) is just as simple and can be annoying if you play it with someone who cheats and always needs to win. It can be a drama if you play with men since they have a hard time if it comes to losing a game. I always lose to keep the peace which was a lesson from my childhood (do not play with men in my family they give you a hard time and their bragging is annoying. Better read a book!).


Checkers is the game my maternal grandfather taught me. I must have been about 5 years old. I still like it more than chess although chess looks better. The boards, the figures. I wonder why checkers look frequently so cheap. My grandfather had a wooden board.



Stratego I loved this game as a teenager. Indeed it's a warfieldgame and it takes a bit of time to remember who's the highest in rank. It's a bit like checkers or chess although in this case, you have an army, once included with spies. The idea is to find (or stay out of the way of the bombs) and "clean up" the army of the enemy. You need a bit of memory since you can not see the ranks of the one you are playing with.
If you "step" on a bomb you are dead and better try to "clean up" that bomb of the enemy as soon as possible.


A Nightmare Before Christmas - mainly a collector's item

Monopoly it's good for misery. I never really liked it. The first time I played it was at my grandma's home with my uncle. He introduced it to me I guess he needed an idiot to play with just like he always used me to be on the lookout if he stole food, candies and so on out of the cabinet my grandmother always locked with a key. That key she kept in her handbag and the bag she mostly carried with her even while doing house chores. Let's say she knew her youngest son.
While "playing" my granny entered the room and said: K which streets and houses are yours?
It was clear my uncle didn't only rob the bank but also me. No way he taught me how to play a game. I still wonder why an adult is fooling a 6-7-year-old and how he can feel great to win from a child but like said it runs in the family. My father lost chess from my daughter when she was 8 years old, for sure he did not let the child win but he got extremely mean to her.


Of course I am Jack or Oogie Boogie😍

Years (20-30?) later I played Monopoly with my children but never finished it, they played together till the moment arrived we mainly focused on mind games. All sorts of to trigger the brain and solve the puzzle.


If you study the boards you can see the games have a lot in common although the topic might be different. Since it's King's day tomorrow the youngest and I may play Monopoly our way since that's how creative people play. Each 2 figures or?


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 2 months ago 

Hi dear @wakeupkitty you can't disappoint! First of all, you just relate the reality of today's school and work life it seems 24 hours is no longer enough for us. As for your favorite board games, they are super dope! Some are my favorites too. But you see Sudoku I find it hard to understand sometimes I wish I could find someone who teaches me the tricks, the same goes for Chess ♟️ and Monopoly.

I appreciate your entry!

Monopoly isn't difficult. Justblile Ludo only with money. If enough you can buy a street and next houses or a hotel. If another players halts on your street he pays you. If you are out of money you lost.

Chess you might learn via the internet, babysteps...

Sudoku is puzzling and counting. The total of the numbers should be 9 plus in each square each number can only be present once. My very first phone came with sudoku. Perhaps these simple games still can be downloaded?

Thanks for reading, a great weekend. ❤️🍀

 2 months ago 

Thanks for these simple steps. Now I've learned the tricks and with this, I can begin. You know I appreciate you right? Have a great weekend too!♥️

I do dear. I will see if I can find something for you to try out and let you know.

I am travelling tomorrow once arrived I can make copies of our booklet to show you.


 2 months ago (edited)

That'll be great 😃 and thanks in advance 💕




The answers


See if you can puzzle it out.


 last month 

Thank you, I've downloaded it and I'll try it out! Hey I gonna tell you if I puzzle it out 😜

 last month 


Behold a fellow board game lover! You've introduced me to different boardgames I've never heard of.

I'm incredibly struck by the Ganzenbord. When I got to the last three words in this sentence, I doubled with laughter.

If you end up in the well or prison you wait till someone comes to your rescue (takes your place).

Feels almost like what happens when playing monopoly. Oftentimes, I've observed that the people who are scared of landing at an unpleasant place always end up picking the wrong cards.

If it comes to it it's all the same. It's not too difficult to draw your own boardgame and make the rules. It indeed is interesting how negative vibes (just like poditive ones) change your luck.
Well in the well or prison isn't too bad, you can always pay to get out and if you play with more than one big chance it won't take long. Thsnks for reading and leaving a comment.
A great weekend to you.

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 2 months ago 

¡Holaaa amiga!😊

Que sorprendente ver que, los dos primeros juegos que mencionas, acá en Venezuela los conocemos con otros nombres y, pensaban que la identificación de ellos era universal jajajaja.

Todos los que mencionas me encantan... Los jugué mucho en mi infancia e incluso, actualmente sigo jugándolos de vez en cuando pero, te confieso que mis favoritos fueron el Monopoly, Damas y Ludo que en tu caso lo conoces como humano no te molestes.

Los juegos de mesas tienen al facultad de ayudarnos en nuestro desarrollo cognitivo y a tener destrezas mental por ello, grandes y chicos debemos realizar estas actividades porque, independientemente de la edad que tengamos, nos favorecen.

Te deseo mucho éxito en la dinámica... Un fuerte abrazo💚

Los juegos de mesa...
Pasaba horas juntado con ellos. Aunque siempre terminaba peleando con mis hermanos, primos y tíos. Porque hacian muchas trampas e inventan otras reglas para confundir.

Gracias por la invitación. Creo que tengo una historia sobre estos inolvidables juegos.

Un abrazo inmenso mi querida kitty 😘😘😘

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