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RE: Save The World? What a Woke idea!


It's worldwide the same, all countries follow the same plan.
Not much brain is needed to understand this is no coincedence. We all are part if a plan that isn't a secret even mentioned on X and the sites of WEF, WHO and Eugenics. Those who don't question are the main problem but also the ones been wiped out once the "job" is done.

How to save what is important to us?
By joining hands with those living nearby, a few who share the same attitude and are willing to build paradise together.

I don't think we can change the world or fill woke minds with intelligence but we can make small part of the world we live in better. My hope is will have a positive impact, domino effect.

Whatever governments or fake scientists say I am not interested. Without TV, radio I hear enough how teachers try to brainwash my children. That will not happen because within my family we talk. We show facts and proof whatever is stated is nonsense. If we hear A it's B if not Z.

More and more start living off grid overhere and buy property together abroad. The more depended one is the higher the risk to be a slave or called a therorist.

We are no longer allowed to use binance, there are more and more restrictions. To those enjoying all the high tech and luxury it will be hard to give up on it. Most of them are addicted to the screen.

I remember how I grew up. Milk, soda in glass bottles, french fries, snacks wrapped in paper, we used wooden forks, cotton, washing cloths, real handkerchiefs, napkins and diapers. It's what I used for my children. I never asked for all that plastic. The old bucket and bassins were fine and lasted a life time.

Today everything I grew up with is suddenly a new invention and I should pay 5 times more for it? No way I will fall for that trick.

Also the youth blaming the elderly for posioning the world is the biggest lie. All theelderly use, reuse, never throw food away, they save every cent and even share their medication.
If I hear those woke spoiled 20+ shout all I can think is you didn't deserve a better life.

Look at the lresent wars. The jets fly over 24/7, all those guns, the destroying of nations and lives taken. CO2 and footprint don't count?

Since you and I have children all we can do is trying to keep them safe. Perhaps it means we have to give up on certain luxury but I don't care.

I wish you a great day and hope you feel better today.
If nit, take a nap and a long night rest.


 27 days ago 

I was born with all limitations, which are different from other children who were born with various facilities. This condition teaches many things about environmental friendliness.

Those with a stable economic condition will assume that I was raised traditionally, not using formula milk products and diapers. My parents only used cloth diapers, then washed and reused.

Imagine how much environmental impact there is from baby diaper waste, environmental pollution is unstoppable and the government does not have the vision to deal with it, the ecosystem will be disrupted.

Even though I live in a village with minimal environmental damage, I have seen that everything has changed significantly, water ecosystems are starting to become scarce and so is wildlife.

I realize this, not because I work as a health worker, but to minimize the environmental impact by not using baby diapers on the market. Even avoid formula milk and complementary foods recommended by the government.

I am grateful that my children grow up healthy, without being touched by technology such as gadgets, and even using traditional medicines in their yard if they experience health problems.

You may not have read about the phenomenon in the last year in Indonesia, the increase in cases of kidney problems due to consumption of paracetamol syrup. What does the government care? no, nothing, they just blame each other.

Nowadays human life is just their business and who cares? Human rights for example... I laughed when I learned about it at school, and now it has been proven that because of the egos of superpowers, millions of children die.

We may have different beliefs, but we have the same views on justice.

I never bought formula milk or joined the nonsense of buying food prepared for 3 months old till 4 years.
Breastfeeding just like giving birth at home is still normal with us. I did it as long as possible close to 3 years and after that it was eating everything. As a two year old they ate all fruits and people were surprised, also because they refused candies, cake and ice cream at least till the age of 8 years old.

My children never had paracetamol syrup in their entire lives. I don't see it as a substitute of 'aspirine' or ibuprofen. I tried it a few times but since it doesn't help I never tried it again. It's a waste of money and I find it hard to believe it cures anything. It's mainly meant as a painkiller so what does this syrup contains?

For fever sleep and drinking water is enough or kinine. We all have an immune system.
Same for a soar throat, justdrink and keep swallowing and wear a scarf.

No medication kills a virus. So were all those children in pain?

It feels to me it's more like a placebo harming organs it shouldn't, some side effects of something they added to that syrup. I'll see if I can find any information about it. It feels as if it isn't coincidence.

By the way: If sick we sleep three days, drink and that's it. If not sick enough we continue what we do.

Unlike others you have the skills to survive if things go worse. Perhaps that is a comfort, the same counts for me.

I don't think we should count on the government if it comes to a better life, saving the world. I notice the same trend everywhere. We pay high amounts and there never is money for us it all goes?

To me all that counts is humanity, equal rights and justice for all. I don't see that happen. Not if it comes to the royal family, the government, Brussel or all those organisations claiming they fight for human rights. The passed years proved they don't and are fine with everything as long as they get paid. This is my believe. I unsubscribed "christianity" about 40 years ago. I didn't see any humanity or love if it comes to their acts. They preach about it and rape, kill behind the screens.


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