[Contest] - Season II | Technology in Business |by victoh78



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Today unlike couple of years ago the term technology is no longer an alien term as we can virtually see technological advancements in our everyday life.

We hear technology everytime but it is important to to understand how this term can affect our day to day experience because without such knowledge we would be missing out Alot.

The aim of this post is in reply to the questions which were posed in this contest post.

Thankfully today I would be discussing how technology can be incorporated into business which would lead to increase in sales and promotions.

Strategy to optimise sales and promotion using technology


Businesses today are becoming ever reliant on technology this is especially so as the world is going global we are seeing Business start to favour online method of payment rather than physical cash payment.

We as business minded individuals we ought to be able to key into this development in order to increase our sales and the audience of our businesses so as to ensure greater patronage and an overall increase in profit.




For any business to prosper on the long run it ought to have a course of action for increasing its number of sales so as to make profit.

This is so because most businesses are created for profit making hence without an increasing number of sales businesses would dey out on the long run

Below are some ways in which we can improve sales of goods Using technology


Form of payment

With the development of technology we are seeing the world shift a way from traditional form of payment to more convenient forms of payment such as through crypto currencies, gift cards, credit cards and others.

By allowing the use of this forms of payments businesses can increase Thier sales as this would enables a wide range of customers the opportunity to pay for goods with their Prefered method of payment.

Generally People would always choose convienece first.


Online sales

This is a method of sales which take places on the internet breather than in physical stores, in order to increase onces sales businesses can take to the use of digital marketing and sales of Thier products.

A perfect example not how we can increase our sales through online sales is through the use of services such as Jumia, eBay ,Amazon's and various others.

By publishing your goods on this services it gives you better exposure or a wide range of clients. Who might not be in your immediate vicinity.


The use of delivery robots

Often times the sales of goods is usually hindered by location and the high cost of transportation but with the development of delivery robots,this problem has been solved as it affords sellers the opportunity to deliver goods far and wide irrespective of the distance and the terrain and best they get to do this with little money as most of this robots run on solar energy.



Through the advancement of technology a new avenue in business opened up the aspect of promoting businesses online.

Promotion of businesses simply means the ability to attract customers attention to the existence of goods an services,. How and where to get such goods.

Without the question of how and where to get such goods being answered the process of promoting bis not done efficiently as those who become aware of the goods are unable to buy such goods.

We can promote business using technology through.


Use of bill boards.

Billboard is an advanced form of a notice board which enables large images of advertisement to be displayed on electronic boards at strategic locations to attract the attention of the ongoing passsers.


Use of social media

Social media is the engine of the communication industry and with the development of technology we have so many social media platforms with thousands of users.

By posting attractive adverts on social medias we can I crease the audience of our goods.


Through affiliate marketing

This form of promotion takes place where by sellers of a good offer attractive returns to those who can find buyers for Thier goods and services.



In summary we can see that technology is very has a huge role to play in the development of any business.

It is vital increasing of sales as well as increasing of promotions, but this twogo hand in hand and are very essential in business.

Before the advancement of technology businesses grow at a more slower pace and with little profit but with technology we are seeing Business advance at an astonishing rate.

Lastly :

  1. 20% @steemkindness
  2. Achievement 1 post
  3. I would like to invite @swaylee @ronindboss and @weasell to participate
  4. Location using Google map

Thank you for sharing your contest link with us, have a nice day guys.

Team verification results :
Verified userYES
#club status#club5050
Voting CSI
Beneficiaries 20%YES

Keep up your good work, best regards and good luck !

 2 years ago 

Thank you for reading my work

 2 years ago 

Pemanfaatan teknologi menjadi hal penting untuk mendorong produktivitas bisnis. Ini postingan yang bagus

 2 years ago 

Thank you very much for your feed back

Your post has been successfully curated by our team via @pelon53 at 40%. Thank you for your committed efforts, we invite you to do more and keep posting high quality posts for a chance to win valuable upvotes from our team of curators and why not be selected for an additional upvote later this week in the Top Seven.

Note : You must enter the tag #fintech for your post to be reviewed.

Por favor, no use la etiqueta fintech y learnwithsteem. Debe ser solo una etiqueta.

 2 years ago 

You have made a great post my friend, keep up the good work

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