The Diary Game : My work day on planet Earth (26th May, 2023 )


Made with Canva by me

Sometimes it’s good to write down some of our activities for the day, it could be very useful in the future, perhaps as a reference. And so, it is my delight to bring to you my activities of yesterday which were 26th May 2023.

As usual, I woke up very early, I think 4:00 am UTC. I didn’t program myself to be doing this all the time, but I think my body system is already used to these reactions.

A few days ago when I spoke with my Mom over the phone, she said that I need to stop that because it’s not good for my health, but the truth is, I can’t just control this stuff happening, in fact, I don’t have any alarm, I stopped using it, but this natural alarm always wakes me up…, I’m I in this shoe alone..?

Well, I hope I get adjusted as time on, but I wonder when.

My early hours of yesterday started with some activities in the blog like verifying some publication in the engagement challenge. I think that was a very interesting way to begin a day because I read so many interesting publications.

Screenshot from my laptop

This is one of the benefits of steemit, you will always be updated with some interesting information, I guess this is where so many people missed it.

The verification took me almost the whole day. But NO, I didn’t have to use the whole day for that.

When it was 12pm a friend called me to come and check one faulty desktop computer in his office. His office is actually in the school he is working, so I went there and check the computer. The power supply unit was faulty, I told him that he will need to buy a new power pack for replacement.

When I saw the pupils in that school, I was just Imagining when I was like them and all the dreams I had then. Somehow, I was impressed because some of those dreams actually became a reality and I am still working on some, hopefully, it will become a reality too.

These pupils just finish rehearsing their march-past in preparation for the children’s day here in Nigeria which is going to be the following day, that is today 27th May, 2023.

I hope to visit some centres where this occasion will take place in my city, hopefully, I could write some news about it.

When I returned from there, I bought some mangoes. By the way, it’s mango season here in Nigeria, so you can buy them very cheap, but it’s a season for another interesting thing which I will like to talk about at the end of this publication.

I also stopped at my sister’s house to say ''Hi'' to her daughter. It’s been almost a week since I haven’t seen her, I only hear her cooing on the phone when I speak with the Mom.

I think it was worth visiting because we had a good time, even though it was very short. I also had my lunch there too.

I got back home and I continued working on the blog till it was night hours. I almost forgot I haven’t eaten yet, so I rush to buy corn and some African pear. Oh yeah, this is its season too and I like them so much.

While roasting the corn Stage 1

While roasting the corn Stage 2...almost done

My dinner

African pear

I learnt that African pear contains a large percentage of calcium and phosphorus which is good for the bones whereas Corn is rich in vitamin C, an antioxidant that helps protect the cells from damage and wards off diseases like cancer and heart disease.Ref

Well, those two things were my dinner for last night and in the end, I was still grateful for spending another successful day on planet Earth doing something fruitful. What's today's fate? I never can tell, let's watch out.

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