Remote jobs and reality


"Remote jobs are scam."
"Remote jobs are waste of time and resource..."
"Remote jobs are boring."
" Remote jobs doesn't give you a room to socialize."
" I rather prefer going out of my house everyday than opt for a remote job."

Well more than often, I hear a lot of people making some negative remarks about remote Jobs.

The introductory part of this article clearly spells out summary of my interaction with few young and middle aged adults in my locality some months ago during one of my interview skills demo, but for some reasons, I couldn't put this up as I wanted that time.

However, this information is based on my personal experience and research.

Everything they say, has its own advantage and disadvantage. From a little research and analysis I have conducted so far, i realized some setbacks associated with remote jobs and ofcourse the positive aspects of it.

Where curation happens🙂, remote duties...,you would say!

Before I proceed, it is ethical to note that this concerns are not universal as many people find remote jobs to be a very flexible and interesting arrangement and succeeding factors include individual preference and the nature of work itself.

Setbacks associated with remote jobs

👉 Isolation: well for some reason, critics has it that remote jobs makes one isolated from their colleagues and they don't understand the concept of working with people.

👉Lack of teamwork: As a result of being isolated, workers lack team work ethics" one critic concluded.

👉 Work-life balance: some people argue that remote workers find it very difficult to shuffle work and personal life. They tend to overwork as a result and the burn out.

👉 Lack of supervision: critics are also of the opinion that remote jobs often results non productive. Well they have it that, there is no direct supervision and accountability.

👉 Technology issues: internet service has not always been reliable in some lands and so remote jobs in this areas can be very frustrating. Sometimes software glitches and hardware malfunction can make work difficult. I have experience this more than three times when I had some offer during the covid-19 era.

Note: This issues are not universal and depends too on the individual involved.

In my opinion however, remote jobs offers alot of advantages, which include:

  • Flexibility: ofcourse as an employee, you can set your own time schedule, when to work and when not to work. Gives a better work-life balance.

  • Access to various skill set: more than often, companies tap into a diverse range of skills so workers has opportunity to access skills, learn and earn from it.

  • Cost savings: due to little or no commuting cost, work attire or even maintaining a physical office, employers and employees can save their money for other life's necessities.

  • Level of productivity is increased as since alot of people find it comfortable working in their personalized environment.

  • Reduced commuting stress: very likely, when the stress of commuting is reduced, there is time for other personal activities.

Individuals can manage their family responsibilities comfortably as well as other personal commitments.

This advantages vary based on individual preferences, job roles and the policies set by the company.

However, here are some important points to note when choosing a remote job to benefit better

✔ Study and understand the companies culture and policies to be sure it alligns with your own preferences and policies.

✔ Clear communication is an important factor in the success of a remote job, so understand how your team communicates and with what medium so as to function well.

✔ Consider what technology and tools your company wishes to implore, and be sure of it durability and ability to perform needed tasks.

✔ Ensure there is a good cyber security measure to protect your data and privacy.

✔ Inquire for opportunities for career advancement in your remote job.

✔ Understand the team dynamics, how do they collaborate and build relationships.

✔ Of course the pay is important as well, you don't want to be depressed or work without enjoying your work, be sure you agree with the terms and conditions before accepting that remote job.


I wish everyone enjoys a fun-filled work environment even if it's a remote job.

Apply some of the tips I listed here and let the ride to 2024 begin with joy and happiness. Pass it on to a friend who may need it.

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In my opinion, the era of remote work is sadly over. It's been so short, just a few years, and more companies are already returning to the normal on-site, or at most hybrid way of working.
Only companies in which you are "hooked" on a program anyway and you cannot stop working because the process is constantly monitored, may still leave similar positions, such as customer support for example.
There are also some fairly low paying positions that are still offered as remote work, and the pay is so low precisely because the work is offered "from the comfort of your own home", lol. It's the exact opposite of the logic you mention yourself that when employers hire people who work for them from home, those employers' costs are reduced.
Of course, I am talking about the situation in my country, where everything is extremely distorted, including the labor market. Personally, for many months I have not been able to find a remote position where the cons are less than the pros or at least equal.

 7 months ago 

Sadly the demands for remote work is less now to some extent.

However, the likes of content creators, local translators, web/software developers, content writers, graphic designers, mobile developers, research engineers, data scientists and project manager...etc are still on high demands.

Of course, I am talking about the situation in my country, where everything is extremely distorted, including the labor market.

I fully understand this. And really understand when you said the "era has ended". Nigeria is also facing this too unfortunately. But amidst this, the few people I listed above are still on high demands.., there are even competition when it comes to the pay.

Yes, as for me, the future is just for fully remote work, we have almost four years as the whole team has already moved to such work, the only thing is that at first it was difficult to organize a quality workflow, but in this regard it is good that there are so many programs that help to track the work of all employees, I can not help but highlight Kickidler as the real most convenient option for this, just try it, I assure you, you will like it and will help to increase the productivity of the team in several times

 7 months ago 

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Beautiful entry you have got here for us. It is good to take a look at some of these remote jobs. Thanks for sharing.

 7 months ago 

Thank you.


 7 months ago 

Work from home jauh lebih mudah dibandingkan dengan Learn from home. Pengalaman saya saat covid19 terjadi, para siswa belajar di rumah.

Sangat susah membuat siswa serius dalam belajar walaupun sudah di kasih internet gratis dari pemerintah 🙏

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