A time we can't avoid⚰️

in STEEM FOR BETTERLIFE11 months ago (edited)

"A time to live and a time to die, a time to laugh and a time to cry, a time to celebrate and a time to mourn....."

I've heard the above words over and over today and I was wondering if we can just cut out the negative parts and allow the positive parts....but NO, that's not possible, it's just nature and a process that one needs to pass through.

I wish today was a day to celebrate, but NO, it was one of those bad days on Planet Earth.

15th July 2023 was a day of mourn, but it wasn’t mourning without hope.

I watch my friend lie down helpless in a casket today after struggling for his life for over seven months fighting a heartless disease.

It was a day of pain but not with any gain.
It was a day of reflection filled up with much appreciation for a great soul.
A great soul is gone but not lost.
The pain is much and my heart is heavy.

The past two weeks have passed so fast like a movie after I mentioned my friend's death. Within this period I don't even know what to feel.

Sometimes I feel deep sadness, helpless and disappointment but some days I focus on the good memories of my friend.

All the good times we had and all the good life he has taught me. And now, I can only go home with his popular slogan… ” Do it selflessly, don't look for gain"

Alas! My friend is gone, and resting but not forgotten.

 11 months ago 

Hola amigo, lamento muchísimo por lo que está pasando. Es fuerte perder a un amigo tan cercano. Realmente el dolor es muy fuerte. Espero que Dios le de fortaleza y recordar a su amigo como una gran persona que tuvo la oportunidad de conocer.

La vida nos da momentos de alegrías y de mucha tristezas. A mí me costó mucho aceptar la muerte de mi padre y hermano..😔

Dios lo bendiga 🙌

 11 months ago 
El aguijón de la muerte, un dolor que nos toca las fibras más sensibles y profundas, dónde por un momento terminamos sintiendo mucho y nada a la vez, la muerte a un ser querido nos desconecta de la realidad y nos lleva por un momento al círculo de las tantas preguntas, hasta cuando sufriremos por la muerte? Porque a él? Y la pregunta que todo ser que confía en Jehová, lograré mantenerme para volverlo a ver?

No te diré que te calmes porque tenemos esperanza de volver a ver a nuestros seres queridos, aunque sabemos eso de igual forma nos duele no tenerlos con nosotros por ahora, llora si quieres llorar, no está mal hacerlo recuerda que hasta Jesús lloró por su amigo Lázaro, y solo me queda decirte amigo que Jehová te siga dando aguante para soportar ésta perdida, y nunca olvides el sabio consejo de tu amigo, que de seguro te lo dió con todo el corazón .

 11 months ago 

It is the ultimate destination of life. Whatever you do, whoever you are in the world, you must have to leave everything behind. unavoidable truth of life.

It's a pity that such days happen. May he rest with God. 🕯️

 11 months ago 


 11 months ago (edited)

Death, oh death!

It's one thing no one can temper with. It is a season that must surface, that is why we have to be ready for we do not know when it will be.

I offer my sincere condolences. May his soul keep resting in the Lord.

 11 months ago 


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