Diet game. Thursday (02 - 05 - 2024)



hello friends how are you all I am @tuhin62. Hope you are all well? Alhamdulillah I am fine too. I appeared again with another new day's diary. Today I will discuss with you all the things that I have done throughout the day. Let's start 📌📌


Today is Thursday. I woke up first thing this morning and freshened up. Then I helped my mother in the household chores. After work, I asked my mother to have some food. The main reason for jinxing this is that I did not eat at home last night. Because last night we were busy eating on the banks of Mor. Because yesterday was the first of May i.e. Labor Day. The big brothers of our corner are labor unions again. They were the ones who made arrangements for food yesterday. Khichuri rice was the food menu. Then he said, look, there is watered rice at night. Then I finished my breakfast.


Then I left for my work. First I took my bike around eight this morning to meet someone. The main reason for meeting was that he wanted to give me a job. If I get the job, I can do it in four to five days. If you are unemployed after completing your education, there is a different pressure from your family. I want to get a small job, I will complete B.Sc. But not getting a job. That's why I am trying to support myself by doing small jobs around the house. After talking to my brother, I settled the work and came home. After coming home, I asked my mother what she cooked in the morning. Mother said I cooked fish.


Then I finished my breakfast. After eating, the mother said that the cow's food had run out. Then I took the money and went to buy beef feed. I bought beef and returned home. After coming home, we went to see our paddy field. Our paddy land has two places in the same place for eight centuries. Another khan is about one bigha. Alhamdulillah the paddy is good. But at present there is only one problem in all lands, there is no water in the land. Then I watered the land and came home.



After coming home, I took a shower and finished my lunch. Then after resting for some time, I went to the field to play sports in the afternoon. After coming home after playing sports, the hunger disappeared. So I asked my mother to prepare some food. So mom made chapadi. Me and my kids play the food. This is how I ended today.


Everyone will be fine, stay healthy. See you again with another beautiful diary of a new day. Wishing everyone good health, I ended today.

Thank you 💖💖💖💖

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